Pancakes ( idk what to name it )

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"I love you Inky..."

-Errors POV-
I whispered quietly. "Wait... why did I say that!" I thought to myself. "How many times do I have to tell myself. I. Don't. LOVE. Him!" I sighed while putting my hand on top of Inks head and rubbing it. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Wait. OMFG JUST STOP YOU DAMN HEAD! HES NOT CUTE!! UAAAARG!!

"I'm gonna take Ink to bed. Where am I sleeping?" I asked Dream. "I think Ink had a spare room but turned it to his art studio." Dream replied. "Okay." I picked up Ink and looked at the time. The time was 11:01 pm. "I think I'm gonna fall asleep." I said while standing up. "Okay. Night." Dream said. "Night." I said while walking up the stairs to Inks room.

I sat Ink down on the bed and closed the door. "Is it wrong I want to change his clothes so he isn't uncomfortable..?" I thought to myself. I started to walk to his closet and look for some clothes. I got a blue T-shirt and black shorts and sat them on the bed. "He won't mind. Right..?" I started to take of his shoes first, then his scarf, vial strap, then his clothes. I quickly put the clothes on him. I took the other clothes and scarf, and put them in a hamper that was in the corner of the room. I tool his shoes and vial strap in his closet. "Wait I still have my shoes on-" I started to take my shoes off and sat them in the closet also.

I turned off the lights and climbed into bed with Ink and fell asleep.

-Next day-

-Inks POV-

I slowly opened my eyes as I slowly sat up. I fully opened my eyes to see that I was on top on Error. Again. My whole face turned to a rainbow. "Can you get off me. And stop staring, it's creepy." "O-oh Sorry!" I said while quickly getting off of him. I stood beside the bed and looked down.

"Let's go find something to eat. Okay?"

"Okay. Wait." I looked at my shirt and shorts. "D-did you CHANGE me..?" I said while looking up at Error. Error started to look like a sun. "N-no." Error looked away and sat up. "L-lets just go e-eat." Error said while getting off the bed and grabbing my hand. He started to drag me downstairs to where Dream was.

"Hey guys. Did you guys sleep well?" Dream asked from the kitchen. "Yeah we slept well." I replied.

"To well." Error said while sitting down on the couch. "What do you mean by that?" I asked while sitting beside him. Error than pointed to the clock that showed that the time was 1:21 pm. "Why didn't you wake me up!" I yelled while turning to Error. "I tried but you wouldn't wake up." Error said while shrugging.

"Can you guys not fight and just eat." Dream said while walking into the room with 3 plates full of pancakes. "Yay pancakes!!" I said while rushing over to Dream and taking 2 plates. "No Ink. Put that plate back. That's Errors." Dream said while grabbing the plate.

"No! My pancakes!" I said while yanking the plate from his hand. "Fine fine. Good thing I made extra." Dream said while walking back to the kitchen. I walked back to Error and sat down beside him again. "How many pancakes do you need Inky?" Error asked. "Enough to where I'm to full to eat anymore. And don't call me Inky." I said while biting into one of the pancakes. "Whatever." Error said while grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. Dream came back with another plate of pancakes and handed them to Error. "Thanks Dream." "You're welcome." Dream said while sitting down on the chair again.

I ate the first plate and was about to eat the next plate until I noticed that Error was trying to take one my pancakes. "Hey! That's mine!" I said while grabbing the pancake and trying to take it back. "Then try to get it." Error said while grabbing the pancake and throwing it up in the air. The pancake got stuck to the ceiling. "Meanie!" I said and sticking my tongue out after. Error did as well. Well. His tongues. "How many tongues do you have!?" I said in shock. "I think about 5 or 6. I'm not sur-" I cut off Error by grabbing his tongues and inspecting them closely.

"This is really cool! I didn't know you had this many tongues!" I said while poking them some. "Culd yu staf.?" ( could you stop? ) Error tried to say while I continued to inspect them. "Oh sorry." I said while letting go of his tongues. Error started to continue to eat his pancakes till the pancake from the ceiling fell down and fell on his head. "Hehe woops." I said while taking the pancake off his head. I took a bite of the pancake till Error took a bite also. Causing me to blush a little.

"Why do you guys keep flirting? I'm trying to watch sponge bob." Dream said. "This is not flirting. This is." Error said. He grabbed my chin and slowly made me face him. "You know that your eyes are like beautiful stars~?" I started to blush a lot and push Error away. "ERROR!!!" I screeched while hiding my face in my shirt.

"What? I was only showing Dream what flirting is."

"Well it's not normal for enemies to flirt!!"

"Oh calm down Inky."

"Stop calling me Inky!!!" I yelled while setting down the plates beside me and stormed upstairs and slamming the door.

-Errors POV-

"Dammit...I screwed up..."

"I think you should apologize.." Dream said.

"Yeah... I'll go do that....." I sat my plate down beside me and got up. I started to walk upstairs to Inks room. "Ink..?" I asked while gently knocking on the door.


"Y-yeah...?" Ink replied quietly. "Can I come in..?" I asked while slowly putting my hand on the doorknob and putting my head against the door.


"Click" Ink unlocked the door.

I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. "You okay Ink..?" I asked while walking inside and closing the door behind me. Ink was laying on his bed with the blanket over his whole body. I slowly walked over to Ink and sat down on the bed.

"I'm sorry I was being mean...." Ink quietly said. "It's okay.." I said while slowly grabbing the blanket and moving it. Ink tried to cover his face with his arm but failed. "A-are you...crying..?!" I asked while moving Inks arm from from his face to reveal tears that slowly fell down inks cheekbones. I quickly pulled Ink into a hug and hugged him tightly. "It's okay Ink... there's no need for you to cry.." I said while putting my hands on Inks cheekbones and wiping away the tears that were in Inks eyes. I noticed that Ink was blushing some.



"Are you...blushing..?" Ink started to blush more.

"N-no! I-it's just from me crying. That's all."

"Ink. Tell the truth." I pulled Inks face closer to mine. Ink started to blush even more.

"..." Ink looked away while tears began to form in his eyes.

"Y-you LIKE me..? Don't you..?" I started to laugh a little.

"I should be go-"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now