Shower accident

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-Ink's POV-

I sat at the couch with a red blanket wrapped around my shoulders while holding a white mug that had yellow sunflowers painted on it that was filled with warm hot chocolate with marshmallows on some whipped cream. Error sat down beside me and took a sip of the hot chocolate in his plain red mug.

"So can you tell me, what happened in the dream you had?" Error asked, looking down at me with a calm look on his face. I sighed and took a tiny sip of my drink. "It was of the void...and you was there..." I said quietly, Error sat up some and waited for me to continue. "You had me tied up in your strings and you acted...different..." I took another sip of my hot chocolate and continued.

"You were taunting me and mocking me....and...." I felt like wanting to cry again but forced myself not to. "You...killed me...." I whispered, tears starting to form in my eyes. I felt Error wrap his arms around me and hug me tightly, blushing some from his touch. "I would never do that...well, since we're friends I won't." Error said, chuckling some at the end. Which didn't help. He took the hot chocolate away from me and set it on the small table beside the couch that was beside him. I felt him hug me again but then forcing me to lay down beside him. I bushed madly as I had my head laid on his chest, hearing his soul slowly beat in a pattern.

"Thanks Glitchy..." I whispered, feeling the blanket cover the both of us. "No problem Inky.." I slowly closed my eyes as I fell asleep again, it felt safer to be by Error's side for some reason. I always felt scared to be by him in fear he would kill me, but now, it felt different now. I no longer felt fear, I felt, safe and protected. Like nothing could harm me when around him..

-some time later-

I woke up and snuggled up to the big warm object holding me, resting my head on its chest and the soft breathing from them. Followed by the quiet sound of a soul beating slowly in a pattern that sounded like a melody. I slowly turned my body to the other direction and opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright sun light. I moved the arm that was on me off and started to carefully get off the couch. Stretching and hearing the loud popping sound when I stretched. I realized that my pinky was still attached to Dream's from last night.

I carefully walked up the steps and to my room to get my pinky. Slowly opening my door again and walking in, I noticed that my bed was neatly made and Dream's pinky was no longer attached to mine. Walking over to the nightstand I picked my pinky and attached it back to my hand. Picking up my phone and turning it on to look at the time.

"1:02 pm... great, I slept in again..." I whispered. Setting my phone back down. "Well, I don't really have anywhere to go to and I can't go to work cause of my foot so I guess it's okay for now." I said to myself. Looking over at my mirror and looking at myself. My oversized pastel colored tie-dye t-shirt, grey shorts that was mostly covered by the big shirt, rubbed makeup that smeared on my cheek, revealing my splotch mark some, all of the beautiful black swirled tattoos that covered my arms that had a few scars that stayed from previous battles, and the pink star eye contacts that covered my real colorful pupils.

I sighed at my reflection, feeling like crying again from thinking about what happened last night. I shook my head and walked out my room to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me as I walked in the room. Looking beside me to the mirror beside me, grabbing a yellow washcloth and turning the handle to the sink faucet and turning on warm water. Setting the small towel under the water and getting it soaked with the warm water. Turning off the water and taking the towel to my face and washing off all the white paint that was smeared on my cheek to reveal my splotch mark and taking the eye contacts out my eye sockets and putting them back in the container Cross gave me. I sighed as I thought on taking a warm shower to ease my mind and relive my stress.

Walking over to the shower than was on the left from where I previously was standing at. Turning the handle to turn the water on to the shower, warm water poring down from the shower head. Stepping back, I started to take my shirt off and went to pull my shorts down till I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a sec!" I called, moving my hands away from my shorts and walking to the door to unlock it and crack it open some. "Do you need something?" I asked, poking my head out some to look at Error who stood outside the bathroom. "Can I use the bathroom? If that's fine with you." He said, scratching the back of his skull. I smiled and let him in. "Yeah sure, just be quick." I said, walking out the bathroom when he got in. I paused as I remembered I left the water to the shower on, I shrugged and stood by the door and waited for Error to get out.

A few minutes later he came out and let me back in the bathroom, spawning some of my clothes and white towel. He gave me a yellow t-shirt with a cartoon bee on the front of the shirt with clean grey boxers and black basketball shorts. I gladly took the clothes and walked back into the bathroom. Closing the door and setting the clothes and towel down on the counter next to the sink. Continuing to undress and pull back the blue shower curtain and step into the shower and turn it back on since Error turned it off.

I shivered as I felt the warm water touch my bare bones. I stood in the shower as I let the water cover my body with water before washing off with soap. I hummed a melody as I leaned to the side and against the wall beside me. Soon grabbing body wash and a blue loofa, pouring the body wash onto the loofa and setting the bottle back down and washing off my body with the soap and loofa. After a few minutes of showering, I turned off the water and went to step out the shower but ended up slipping. Panicking, I grabbed tightly to the shower curtain for support but only pulled it down with me. Falling and hitting my head hard on the side of the tub as I laid in the tub, pain taking over me as the shower rain fell down and hit my body.

I heard loud and rushed footsteps running up the stairs and to the bathroom door. Loud knocking on the door that echoed in the now quiet bathroom. "Ink you okay!? I'm coming in." I heard Error say from the other side of the door. The door nob turned as he opened the door slowly but then swung open when he saw me laying in the tub. "Ink!" I groaned some in response, my whole body hurt to much for me to respond. I felt the bar and curtains uncover me and arms wrap around me. Pulling me up from the tub and cradling me like a child. I tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. Error grabbed the towel from the counter and sat me on the toilet, closing his eyes as he was a blushing mess but panicked. He wrapped the towel around me and then opened his eyes.

"You okay Inky..?" Error asked. I blushed lightly when I heard how quiet and calm his voice was and how he didn't glitch out. I nodded some as I felt the pain go away some, my headache still there from me hitting my head on the bath and the rail hitting my arm more than the rest of my left side. He smiled and handed me my boxers hesitantly and looked away. I removed the towel and carefully put the boxers on. "Done.." I said quietly, Error turned his head back to look at me and smiled.

"I guess I need to make more hot chocolate and give you more cuddles." Error said, chucking to himself as he got up and helped me up. "Do you want help or are you fine for now?" I looked down and blushed some more. "I'm okay but can you carry me please? I don't feel like walking.." I said, looking back up. Error laughed some and picked me up. "Sure thing Squid." I smiled some but I didn't like the nickname Squid a whole lot. Yes my spirit animal is a squid/octopus but I still don't like being called Squid, yes I allow some people to call me squid but I still don't like the name a whole lot, it feels like a insult to me because of me puking ink when I get to overwhelmed or I feel to much of one emotion.

10/19/2020 ( 12:23 ): Hhhhhhhhhhh I'm having a mental breakdown rn-

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