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I turned my head to look at what what near. Only realizing it was a small cat that was climbing a tree but fell. I got up and walked over to the cat and picked her up and sat against the tree with the cat in my lap. Her immediately curling up in a ball and falling asleep. I admit, cats are really cute yet can be a demon. Once when I saw a stray cat on the surface of Undertale and the thing proceeded to bite me with his rotten sharp teeth. Yes his teeth was rotting but they were still sharp as hell. But there's still some that are kind yet they can be a demon when you pester it to much.

I lightly put my hand on the cat and gently pet her fur. She was a beautiful white cat with caramel brown color spots on her with eyes that was as blue as the sky and a little pink nose. Her fur was super soft and clean, she maybe had a owner that just washed her yesterday or the day before. But why leave your cat out in space where it could possibly get hurt or float away somewhere? I sighed and leaned my head back to the tree behind me and closed my eyes. It's better to sleep than think since I'm still tired. I felt sleep take over me until I heard a little voice.

"Hello..?" I shot my eyes open to look at who spoke to me until I saw a small child in front of me. They were small and looked to be about maybe the age of 9 or 10. Short brown hair that floated some, blue oversized sweater with two yellow stripes, a kinda oversized gold colored shorts that was held up by two black jumpers with clips that were the shape of yellow stars that also held a jet pack on the back and blue boots with yellow stripes. I'm guessing this was maybe outer Frisk.

"Can I have Star back please...?" Frisk said, pointing to the now awake cat in my lap. I nodded, not wanting to say anything and picked up the cat and handing it to her. ( I want to make this Frisk female okay, don't judge me. ) She took the cat and cuddled her as the cat cuddled back, falling asleep after.

"Sorry kiddo...I didn't know she was your cat.." I said, I was surprised at how I said it so calmly without glitching out a single bit. "It's fine, she runs away a lot to go explore. Plus I never saw a monster like you before." Frisk said, crouching down some to come to eye level with me. "Well I'm not exactly a monster but that's a whole other story to talk about." I whispered the monster part but Frisk still managed to hear me.

"So what are you then?" She asked, sitting criss crossed now with the cat in her lap. I started to glitch out some but smiled a bit. "I'm a glitch, mostly. I used to be monster, but that's besides the point. Also my names Error if you were about to ask." I said in my normal glitchy voice, Frisk was surprised some but then smiled and chuckled some. "Nice to meet you Error, I'm Frisk Dreemurr." She reaches her hand out to mine for me to shake. I was hesitant about it and I think she noticed. "Sorry, I understand that you're not a big fan of being touched and I respect that." I felt relief and guilt at the same time from rejecting her kind handshake. But I'm still uncomfortable with having a living human or monster touching me.. I don't like talking about why cause it brings lots of memories.

"Well I should get home to mom now." I looked back at Frisk who was now a few feet away and trying to get her jet pack to start. "Bye Error! Hope we can meet again!" She waved as she picked Star back up and jumped up, floating away then letting the jet pack navigate her through the starry sky. I waved and smiled some. I was confused and worried on why she would talk to someone like me, someone who killed innocent lives. What if she does know about what I did and tell everyone here that I'm here and lie about how I'm going to destroy everything here. It was hard enough for me to trust Outer sans and now I'm trusting this little child to not tell everyone about me and have word spreader to the king. I love this AU with all my soul cause it's the only place that feels safe to me, and if someone took that safety from me then I'm not sure on what I would do next.

I sighed and got up, creating a portal to Ink's place to get my jacket back. It's been days and I still forgot my jacket at his place, hell he could of burnt the thing by now without me knowing. Walking into the portal I was brought to his living room. The house was very quiet yet food sat at the new table Ink probably got. I walked up the stairs quietly, trying to not make any noises. I got to the closed door of Ink's room and slowly turned the door nob and open the door wide while trying to be quiet. Quiet snoring filling the quiet room. I walked closer to where I could see the bed but soon being face to face with Dream and Ink in the same bed together. I felt my soul ache from the seen in front of me. I snapped from my thoughts and continued in the room to find my jacket but soon finding it in Ink's laundry hamper resting on the top.

I quickly picked up my jacket and put it on and started to leave the room till I heard something behind me, stopping me in my tracks. I slowly turned my head around to look at whatever was behind me to soon come face to face with Ink. He had the look of panic on his face and had his brush tightly grasped in his hands. I looked down at him and put my hands in my pockets.

"I was just trying to get my jacket back." I whispered, shrugging some. Ink sighed and looked at the ground. His look of panic and worry faded and was replaced with tiredness and sadness. "You okay..?" I asked, crouching down some so Ink could look me in the eyes. "I'm alright..." Ink whispered it very quiet, almost to where I couldn't hear it.

"Ink, something's wrong and I can tell..there has to be a reason why you're looking like you're about to cry.." Ink stayed quiet and didn't say a single word. I got up and wrapped my arms around Ink, pulling him into a hug. His breath started to get shaky as he reaches his hands up and wrapped his arms around my neck to hug me.

"I...had a nightmare...." I tightened the hug some as I felt Ink hide his head at the crook of my neck. Water and light hot wind hitting my neck from Ink's silent crying. "How about I made some hot chocolate and we can talk about the nightmare, kay?" I said. Pulling away from the hug and looking down at the smaller skeleton who nodded, tears still streaming down his face some as rainbow blush dusted his cheeks. I put my hands on the sides of his face and wiped away his tears and hesitated some.

"You okay Glitchy..?" Ink asked, sniffling some. I nodded and moved my hands away from his face. I felt Ink wrap his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers together as we walked down the steps to the kitchen.

I love this chapter a lot. Mostly from Error being a huge sweetheart and helping Ink who's still trying to overcome the nightmare he had (*''*)

Now I want some hot chocolate and one of my friends here 。゚(゚`゚)゚。

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now