Talk about it..

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-Inks POV-

"Are you okay Ink..? You haven't been eating your food much.." Dream said with a worried look on his face. I looked down at my plate that had two waffles sitting on the plate that started to get cold and only had a small bite on the corner of one of the waffles. I couldn't eat well after the nightmare I had.

"I'm fine.. I'm just not that hungry right now.." I said. I grabbed my glass cup full of orange juice and took a sip of it before putting it down and continuing to stare at my plate. It's common for me to have those dreams of me getting killed by one of my enemies. Error was mostly in all of them, it was normal to me now from how many times I had to watch myself getting killed over and over again. But seeing it now makes me feel....empty..inside....

"Do you want to talk about it..?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Dream and gave him a very obvious fake smile. "No no. I'm fine for now." I said, forcing my smile wider to where it was now a pained smile than a fake smile. Dream sighed and got up from his side of the table and walked over to me. I froze in place as Dream picked me up to make me stand up and give me a big, tight hug.

I felt warm water starting to make small rivers on my face as my arms wrap around Dream and my hands grip onto the back of his shirt. Resting my head on the crook of his neck as his hug got a bit tighter. A few minutes later of just crying I started to close my eyes as sleep was consuming over me.

-Dreams POV-

Ink has been acting weird this morning...he woke up from something this morning, and he's not eating his food. I asked him if he was okay but he would smile and say he was alright. I could tell it was fake as he forced his smile wide to where he couldn't smile anymore.

"Do you want to talk about it..?" I asked, Ink was deep in thought but snapped out of them after I spoke. He was hesitant for a few seconds but then forced another big smile on his face as he looked up at me.

"No no. I'm fine for now." He was lying. I stood up and walked over to Ink and forced him up so I could hug him. His eyes were dull and didn't have any other emotion. It made my soul ache to see him look like this. I felt as he wrapped his arms around me and gripped the back of my shirt, bringing his head closer to my neck and causing me to blush a little as he cried, I hugged him more tighter. I never liked it when I see Ink like this...

A few minutes later the crying got quieter as his grip on me loosened as he went limp. I picked him up bridal style as I started to walk to his room. I sat him down on the bed and decided to change out my clothes and take the extra pajamas Ink made me that I rarely wore and put them on and sat my other clothes on Ink's desk and turned off the light. Then walking towards Ink's bed and laying beside him. I didn't want him to be alone at the moment, I never want to leave him alone when he feels pain or some other emotion that was serious. I wrapped my arm around Ink as I held him close to my chest. It felt wrong but right at the same time as I pecked a kiss on the top of Ink's skull. He doesn't mind when I do it, as he says it "makes him feel a bit better, like kissing a boo boo".

I started to close my eyes as I started to feel more tired by the second.

-Error's POV-
I woke up as I was in my old room in Nightmare's castle again. Sunlight filled the room from the morning sunlight, making me groan when I moved to the side as my eyes were now being blinded by the light. I rubbed my eye sockets as I got up and walked over to put my sweater back on from burning up last night. My room was always dark and cold when I used to live there but now it's bright and too warm for me to wear warm clothes.

"What happened yesterday..?" I asked myself as I pulled out my phone to look at the time. "8:31 am...?" God it's to early...

I paused as I remembered what happened last night. I felt like puking by thinking about it...After we got to the castle and were exhausted and tired from destroying and attacking AUs for hours. When we got there the time was around 2 something am. But as we walked inside the castle we heard some noises coming from upstairs that echoed some through the place some. It was muffled some and hard to understand until you got closer. We decided to go upstairs and go near where the noises were, which was apparently in Killer's room.

I decided to put my "ear" to the door to try and listen in...

"Ah! N-Nightmare!" I gagged some after I heard it. Immediately moving away from the door as I didn't want to hear more. I told them what I heard from the other side of the door. Horror immediately pulling out his axe and hitting the door and breaking it as he didn't want to be up all night from them.

"I SWEAR TO ASGORE IF YOU'RE FUCKING AT 2 AM AT NIGHT IM GOING TO-" Horror paused as we saw them on the ground playing twister with a few empty whiskey bottles beside the box to the game. Nightmare was on top of Killer who was obviously in pain as his leg was twisted with Nightmare's, and his body being stretched out while also being crushed by Nightmare's body weight.

"What? We're just playing twister." Nightmare said as he sat up and got off Killer who was now happy yet still had pain on his face.

I sighed as I shook my head and put my phone back in my pocket. I fixed the bed to make it neat and look like it hasn't been touched in a while. Closing the curtains after and soon thinking on where to go and what to do. Ink's house was the first thing that popped in my mind for some reason, but I pushed that idea beside and decided to go to OuterTale.

I created a glitchy portal under me as I fell in and fell on the grass of one of the floating rocks. No all of them were just rocks, some would have grass, trees, water, snow, anything. The grass was soft and a few trees scattered the big rock. I got up and over to the hill that was in the left of me from where I was. I walked up it and sat down while shaving my legs dangle off the edge. Looking up to see the stars glow bright in the night sky. One of my favorite places to get some air and relax.



I froze as I heard a twig snap behind me. Someone saw me...someone is watching me...

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now