Sleep over

756 32 44

(How about some Elbow?)

I jumped back and yelped a little after a canvas fell out of the closet. My heart started to race as I walked over to the canvas. I picked up the canvas and placed it back in my closet.

"Calm down Ink... it was only a canvas.. nothing else.." I thought while trying to catch my breath. "I should put the dress on now."

-tem tem skip ;w;-

( it's 12:23 am and I'm trying to stay up and write this please help- )

I looked over at the clock and noticed that the time was about 6:40 pm. "We've been playing for hours!" Blue said while leaning back to lay on the ground. "And we haven't ate yet..." Dream said while looking down with a frown on his face.

"Unless you count all of that ketchup and mustard we ate from a few of the dares." I said while leaning to the side. Causing me to lay on my side. "That isn't food and it's also unhealthy! Why did you guys even dare each other to eat those." Blue said while crossing his arms.

"Don't ask me. Ask Dream." I said while pointing at him. "You started it!" Dream said while pointing back at me.

"Calm down guys!" Blue yelled while sitting up.

"No!" Me and Dream said at the same time.

"Then no sweets for a week!" Blue said while crossing his arms and looking away.

"Fine.." We both eye rolled and put our hands down. Blue sighed and pulled out his phone. "I think I should head home now." Blue said while putting his phone back in his pocket. I created a portal underneath Blue and he fell in. "Hey Ink?" Dream said. I looked over at him while humming some.

"When was the last time you used your vials..?" Dream said while pointing to my vial strap with the vials on them. "Not sure... wait. What day is it!?" I said while pulling out my phone quickly.

"It's Saturday.. why are you asking..?" Dream asked with a confused look. I quickly grabbed a few of my vials and started to take a few of them very quickly. "Slow down Ink! You don't have to drink them so violently!" Dream said while grabbing my arms and lowering them down a little.

"Sorry..." I said. Dream let go of my arms and I started to slowly drink them some.

"You okay now..?" Dream asked when I started to put the vials away. "Yea-" I immediately covered my mouth and tried to stop myself from puking everywhere. Dream quickly helped me up and rushed me to the upstairs bathroom. He waited outside while I was in the bathroom.

-8 minutes later-

I wiped my mouth as I flushed the toilet and got up. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"For real now. Are you okay now." Dream said while putting his hand on my shoulder and looking at me dead in the eye. "Yes I'm fine now." I said while taking his hand off my shoulder. He sighed in relief.

"Good." He said. Dream started to walk away to downstairs and go to the kitchen. I followed him. "Hey Ink?" Dream asked while he started to pull out some stuff from the cabinets. "Yeah?" I replied. "Why don't we invite Error over?" I blushed a little little. "N-no he shouldn't come over." I said while walking to the couch and sitting down.

"Oh come on! Error never has anyone to hang out with! He would love it if someone done something nice for him!" Dream said while peeking over the corner. I sighed and looked down. "Fine...but keep him out of my room!" I said. Dream created a portal and reached his arm in.


Error yelled from the portal. Dream leaned his whole body into the portal. A few seconds after Dream fully got into the portal he came back with a very mad and glitched out skeleton. Dream walked over to me and plopped him on my lap. "Here you go." Dream said while walking back to the kitchen. My face got really hot. Error quickly sat up and tried to get up and attack Dream. I quickly grabbed Error and held him still while he kept trying to get out of my grasp.

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now