7 minutes in heaven

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( lime! I think that's what you call it- or lemon- who cares- just a big youi warning! ⚠️ 🍋 )

( also this was edited )

-Inks POV-

"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Error!" Blue yelled. Me and Error started blushing like crazy. "HELL NO!" Error yelled. Error was glitching out a lot. "Oh come on! Do it!" Dream yelled from the ceiling. "NO!" I yelled.

"Fine. 6 minutes." Blue said.

"5!" I yelled.







"15 it is." Blue said while shrugging and smiling. "DAMNIT BLUE!" I yelled. "It's not my fault. Your the one who made the time longer. Now get up there you love birds!" Blue yelled while getting us up and pushing us to the stairs. Me and Error started to slowly walk up the stairs and to my room. We opened the door and walked in and started to get in the closet. I stood by the right corner of the closet while Error sat at the bottom left of the corner.

"It's kinda cramped in here..." I said. Slowly sliding down and sitting down. "Well if it's cramped then come over here." Error said. I slowly started to crawl over to Error. He grabbed me and sat me on his lap.

"E-Eh... w-what are you d-doing..?" I asked, blushing a lot. "Didn't you say it was crowded?" I glared at him like he was stupid. "This is not what I was wanting to do when I said it's crowded in here." Error laughed a little. Error reached for my vials and took one of them out. "What is this one?" He showed the vial which was blue. "Sadness. Why are you asking?" Error shrugged and put the vial back in the strap. "Just asking." Error grabbed a few more vials and asked me what they were until he grabbed a pink/purple colored vial. ( I forgot which color it was )

"What's this?" Error asked, moving the bottle side to side a little. Observing it. "O-oh that's n-nothing." I said. Error popped the cap off of it. "Well if it's nothing then drink it." He stared moving the bottle to my mouth. I tried to back away from the bottle but Error grabbed my mouth with one of his hands. Opening my mouth and poured the liquid in my mouth and making me swallow it. The liquid overcoming me with lust while I tried to fight it back. Both of my pupils turned to hearts. Making Error lean against the closet wall as far as he could after realizing what he just did. I looked at him with a bit of a angry look. "Why did you do that!?" I said. Moving my face closer to Error while glaring but getting a sudden urge to move closer. "Cause I thought it was something else like fear! I didn't know that it makes you horny!" Error yelled. Putting the now empty vial in the vial strap. I put my hands to Errors cheekbones and glared at him. Error now blushing a little but trying to get away.

I closed my eyes as our "lips" touched. Making us both blush a lot. I started getting rougher with the kiss. Making Error moan a bit but quickly pushing me away. "T-that e-e-enough oka-ay!" Error yelled. Glitching out a lot and panting some. "I'll try to be careful okay." I said. Error sighed and looked down. "Jesus you're really demanding about everything." Error looked back at me and slowly moved to make our "lips" touch again. Slowly closing my eyes again and wrapping my arms around his neck. Moving my body a bit closer to Errors to where they touched. Error got a bit rougher with the kiss. Making me moan some. I felt Error wrap his arms around my waist.

We parted from the kiss to catch our breath. The vial now overtaking me. I immediately kissed Error again after getting my breath back. During the kiss I felt Error trying to get his tongues passed my "lips". I opened my mouth as they all came in. Exploring the new territory. Making me moan some. We parted from our kiss. Leaving a small saliva string. I was panting a lot and trying to catch my breath. I looked Error in the eyes with my eyes full of lust. Error started grinning and reached for my scarf and took it off. Setting it beside us. He lowered his head to my neck and started to kiss and nibble on my collarbone, leaving hickeys and small bite marks. I started moaning but quickly picked up my scarf and put it in my mouth to muffle the moaning. Error picked his head up to look at me. "Say..let's get to the fun part~" Error lustfully said. He started to unbuckle the buckles on my jumpers and take them off. Then he started to take off my shirts and was about to reach for the shorts till.

"Times up!" Blue yelled as he swung the doors open. Error stoped and looked up at the small skeleton. I looked behind me to face Blue and felt my face getting more hot and glow. My blush glow so bright that you would mistake me for a real rainbow. "O-oh hey blue!" I said. Blue smirked and look at the both of us. "Do you want a few more minutes?~" Blue playfully said. "N-NO THANKS!" I yelled. Quickly getting off Error who was glitched out and stood up. Quickly grabbing my clothes and running out the closet. Pushing Blue out of the way some and creating a portal to OuterTale.

I rushed into OuterTale from the portal and hid behind some rocks. Trying to catch my breath.

"Looks like something interesting happened~" Outer sans cooed. I look up to see Outer there. "O-oh.. h-h-hey Outer...! Why are you up so l-late...?" I asked. "Couldn't sleep. But why are you out here at 12:04 am, with no shirt, running from someone, blushing like a rainbow, and shaking?" Outer asked.

"Oh no reason...." I said while scratching the back of my skull. "Oh yeah, I herd you, Blue, and Dream work for Muffet now." Outer said. "W-well we work for her when she needs it.." I said.

"Nice, but why not grilbys? Won't it just be a waist of time to work for Muffet?"

"Well people don't come over there because the food is expensive and sometimes has dead spiders in it." I said while putting my shirts back on.

"Oh I also herd about what happened between with you and Nightmare...you alright..? ( Same thing for Dream )" Outer asked while I got my gloves and scarf on. "Y-yeah we're alright..." I said. "I should get home now. Wanna come?" Outer asked. "Nah I'm fine out here." I said. "Okay, well, see ya later Ink." "Bye!" Outer teleported away.

I sat down and laid on the rock and closed my eyes. Trying to calm down and forget about what happened.

-Errors POV-

Blue slammed the doors open and saw that was going on. Ink ran away but I couldn't move at all. My whole vision got blurry as error signs covered my eyes.


"okay your broken-" Blue started to walk away and left the room. I rebooted and got up to create a portal to look for ink. I first checked the doodle sphere, then OuterTale. I looked around then saw Ink by some rocks. I slowly walked over to him and sat beside Ink.

"Sorry Ink I didn't know that would happen.." I said while looking at the ground and feeling guilt take over me. "I-it's okay.. and I forgive you.." Ink said. I put my hand on Inks hip and pulled him close. Ink put his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. After a few minutes I picked him up and created a portal to his bed and laid him down in his bed and left.

A Change of Fate ( Ink x Error )Where stories live. Discover now