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( *** )

January 2016


At Y/N Home in England


The incessant rain taps against the windowpane, matching the dreary mood that has taken over my bedroom. I lie on my bed, watching Youtube on my phone, as the sound of the videos gets lost in the pitter-patter of the rain. A year has passed since I completed school, but I lost all motivation to do anything.

Suddenly, my mother's voice echoes through the hallway, breaking the silence. "Dinner is ready!" she calls out.

I set my phone down on my bedside table and slowly get up, slipping my feet into my favorite cow slippers. As I make my way to the kitchen, I realize that only my mother is there. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask, "Mom, where is Dad?"

"He's working late again tonight, so it's just you and me eating tonight, my baby," she sighs, her voice laced with a hint of sadness.

I can't help but notice the bags under her eyes and the way she moves slowly, as if weighed down by an invisible burden. "Mom, if I may ask, why are you still with him? You see what he does to you. How are you so strong, Mama?" I ask, my voice laced with pity.

"My baby, as you can clearly see, he is the only source of income we have. Without him, we wouldn't have anything," she says, her voice trembling.

I feel a pang of sadness in my heart as I hear her words. The man who should be her partner, her equal, has reduced her to a shadow of her former self. But before the conversation can get any more depressing, my mother changes the subject. "Okay, enough of this depressing conversation. How is your life, Baba? Do you have any boys you're eyeing?" she asks jokingly.

"Eww, gross. The only few things in my life that I adore are you, Holly, my canine best friend, and Allison," I laugh it off.

"How is Allison doing? I remember you talking about her mother being sick," she asks with concern.

"Well, really-" I start to say, but we're interrupted by a loud smash coming from the front door.

"Just go to your room. I will talk to you later," my mother orders, her voice firm.

I obey her command, taking my food and leading Holly back to my room. As I pass the foyer, I quickly greet my father, "Good night, Dad. The food is in the kitchen," he murmurs. "Good night, Y/N."

I close my door and put my food on my table. But as usual, the noise starts. He starts yelling, yelling at my mother. That man, he is no father of mine. He is merely wedded to my poor mother.

Soon a buzz comes from my phone and it lights up, I go near to see Allison texting me:


Hey girl, you up? I was scrolling through jobs when this one popped

up, it's not my expertise, but it may be worth looking into you're nineteen Y/N

follow your dreams, don't you think? xoxo 

She sent me a link, I haven't opened it up yet, but I send a message back:


Hey Ali, yeah I'm still up, that idiot is at it again... But yeah

I'll check out the link in a few moments, I just wanna finish eating. xxx

A Simple Smile ( Tom Holland X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now