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4 May 2016


Y/N's Hotel Room


"Not what I meant Y/N, I want you to come crash at my place until you can move into a secure apartment of your own," he smiles.

"B-but I can't expect that much of you though," I stutter.

"Can't I just for once have something go my wa-" I am interrupted with arms wrapping themselves around me.

"I don't know what you've been through Y/N, but I feel that I can do this much for you," Tom affirms.

"Okay fine, how about I start packing a bit and you go to set, I'll tell you when I'm done," I try and convince him with just a small smile.

"How though?" Tom asks.

"Uhm, obviously with my phone..." I laugh at his stupid question, lifting up my phone. I hand him my phone. 

"Well, clearly that's not gonna work," he laughs. He repeatedly tries to put my phone on, but surprisingly it does not want to be put onbecause clearly, it took a heavier fall than I expected.

"Why don't you start packing I have an idea, I'll be right back," he says suspiciously.

Ok, that's strange. I don't have time to stand around wondering, clearly, I have to pack again. I just stand there deciding where I wanted to start. I grab a small bag and head into the bathroom. Packing away all of the bathroom essentials, one by one until I hear one unfamiliar voice and a familiar one.

"Hey Y/N, I'm back and I brought help!" Tom yells from the main room.

"I'm in the bathroom, just packing up my shampoo and stuff!" I yell back at him.

"Ok, I'll go see if I can help her..." the unfamiliar voice exclaims.

"Thanks Z," Tom's words echo through the room. Did he just say Z, like Z for Zendaya. NO WAY!

I turn around seeing a very confused Zendaya standing at the bathroom entrance. Well, this is awkward.

"O-oh, u-uh. Uhm hi," I laugh it off nervously.

"Hey Y/N, ok so how can I help?" Zendaya stands at the doorframe, looking at me.

Um think Y/N think, It's only Zendaya... It's only Zendaya, did I say that right! No wonder I'm acting like this, it's Zendaya! Ok, wait you're gonna make her think you're weird.

"Um, hi there, I guess you're the help that Tom brought?" I laugh anxiously again. 

"Well sorta..." She tries to explain until a loudmouthed Tom comes barging into the room.

"Ok well, I decided to ring Zendaya because she doesn't really have any scenes today to film, so she said she'd gladly help!" Tom enthuses.

"Oh yeah the set, I totally forgot," I exclaim, in a mere moment I go from a fangirl to a serious assistant. I walk into my room, looking in my drawer next to my bed. I take out a clipboard; before bed last night, I used it to do some planning for Tom today, damn today seems very busy. 

I sigh looking at Tom and telling him," Ok so Tom, today is going to be a very busy day. From 10:00 till 12:00 you are filming. After filming you'll have about half an hour of relaxation, I'd use it if I was you because after that you have about another hour and a half to film. Then finally you'll have to come home so that I can help you get ready for your celebrity showcase on Ellen. Damn what a day!"

I look up from my clipboard to see Tom's look of a surprise after I read all of that. He laughingly said," Ok, but how will I get through this day without my trustful assistant, oh and one last question on my mind. When the hell did you plan all of that!" 

"Oh last night, I couldn't sleep," I smile sheepishly. I look back into his eyes making my own joke," Well mister Tom, you'll just have to manage."

He takes another sigh walking to my closet trying maybe help until he is intervened by an intimidating Zendaya," Nah, get going! You heard her, your schedule is very busy today." She shoves him out the door.

I struggle to not laugh at this scene when I finally hear a Tom on the other side of the door," Ok, but if you need anything just-" I intervene," just call our friendly neighborhood spiderman. It's ok we'll manage Thomas, good luck today." I started to giggle the last part with a few words muttered under my breath, thanks spidey. I snap out of it and Zendaya and I continued packing the last bit of my stuff.

Whilst packing my clothes Zendaya and I really talked, It's been so long since I had a proper girl chat.

"Ok, so tell me why did you choose to work on Homecoming?" Zendaya looks at me full of confusion.

"Well, at first it was just to satisfy my friend, but now it became more than that, it was an escape. An escape from my prison at home." I mutter

Zendaya and I kept talking until we got to the hard topics and I finally decided to open up to someone about what really happened back in London. Finally, someone I know here knows me a bit deeper than surface level. It's really reassuring.

"Ok, I don't want to fester anymore than I have to, but what is that vibe I am getting from you and Tom, that's definitely not just friends." Zendaya teases.

"Zendaya stop it." I giggle, I could feel how red I started to become. I avoid eye contact with Z muttering, "I am only Tom's assistant, and as much as I regret, he is a sweet guy, but I'm not ready for anything, I'm trying to find my own place first in America and stabilize my roots first." 

"Fine, fine- Don't blame me if he has feelings for you," she laughs. 

"Z don't joke around like th-" She interrupts me.

"Finally, we are finished packing. I'll send Tom a message so that he could come and pick us up later," Zendaya says firmly.

A/N: Honestly I didn't know if I wanted to post this one... It feels dry but I wanted to bring Z in, that wasn't like oh she's on set and wow now we are besties... That feels rushed, but I also dunno how to feel about this still, I did say I tried going daily so here I go... Anyways I hope you like it, have a wonderful day... K bye.

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