610 17 8

6 May 2016




"Ok, how do I look?" Tom asked, coming out of the bathroom, he looked a bit nervous.

"You- look amazing!" My breath was stolen a bit, this man was breathtaking. I giggled looking away because I could just feel how red I was getting.

Tom walked closer pulling me up from the bed, wrapping me in a tight embrace, his arms around my neck, I rested my head on his chest, his heartbeat was a bit fast. 

I pull away, looking up at him, "What's wrong, are you nervous Tommy?"

"A bit, this is kinda nerve-wracking, I'm kinda nervous I spoil too much!" Tom asserts.

"Hey, look at me..." I use my hands to force him to look down at me, " You are going to be spectacular,"

"I dunno..." He mumbles.

"I believe in you." I reinforce.

"Well, that's enough for me!" He leans in kissing me.

Our kissing was interrupted by Ali walking up the steps, "Hey Lovebirds! I know this is cute and all but GQ is almost here."

"It really is cute though!" Z's voice echoes from below.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Ali unlocked the door for me, I brought ingredients for lasagna, I don't wanna eat it alone so please let's eat some tonight!" She proclaims. 

"So while Tom is shooting GQ, we can cook lasagna!" Ali giggles.

"Sorry Tommy-boy, but they said please." I mock.

I let go of Tom, walking down the steps, getting out a few pans where we can start stacking the lasagna, layer for layer. When I heard a knock from the door. "Tommy! GQ is here!" Ali yells.

I open the door, with my apron on. "Oh hi." I lead them inside, letting them put down the equipment they brought with them, in the living room.

"Hi, so I was planning on..." He mumbled on, as I was totally zoning out, only nodding my head, where he seemed as if he was seeking my agreement.

I quickly rushed up the steps, seeing a Tom fiddle with his clothes, trying to perfect it, "Honey, you look perfect." I come up from behind giving him a peck on the cheek. "Now, go down there and rock this interview!" 

Tom's confidence meter clearly skyrocketed. Both of us walked down the steps, I went first as he quickly followed. Tom quickly rushed over to them, greeting them. They took a video with Tom on the couch asking a few questions. I snapped a quick foto of him on the couch, sitting mid-interview. I felt a few taps on the shoulder, looked around, Ali looked at me, pointing towards the cameraman, he waved at me to come closer. "Ma'am aren't you in this interview as well." 

"Oh, uh I didn't think so, should I quickly go get ready," I questioned.

"Ma'am you have twenty minutes, max, I'll try and distract them as much as I can," The old man smiled at me. He reminds me of my grandpa, a smile that could light up your hurt.

I rush up the steps, grabbing Z and Ali. I asked them what I should wear, Ali rummaged through the closet, as Z tried to work on hair and makeup. Ali finally came into the bathroom with a black tank top, light brown pants, and some see-through heels, I quickly got dressed, afterward, Z started doing makeup and Ali started trying to do something with my hair. Ali just brushed my hair out after it has been in a pony the entire day, and Z just did a neutral look, a lot of browns.

I took one last look in the mirror, thanking Z and Ali, and rushed down the steps, when I walked closer, Tom's attention was stolen, I just remember the guy asking the question repeated his name three times before regaining his attention. The cameraman spoke with the director next to him. I took my seat next to Tom, leaving a bit of space next to us, as we haven't yet announced it to the public. I looked at him and smiled.

"So Y/N, now that we got you here, tell us in a 4-word sentence, what is it like to work for Tom?"

"It's always an adventure."

"Ok interesting, so I have a few more questions, this one is for you again Tom, a few photos have been rushing over the internet. Just a few important ones." On the screen next to us, a few photos emerged. Obviously, it was photos of us.

"Can you explain these pictures, because they seem like a bit more than just friends?"

"Well, I am happy you ask this question..."

I look at Tom, I could feel my heartbeat get a lot faster.

"We are definitely..." I interrupt him.

"We are just friends." Both Tom and I laughed it off. But I could hear Tom, forcing his a bit. 

The rest of the interview went really smoothly, the rest of the questions were really easy to answer. GQ left and now it was time to make some lasagna, Tom headed upstairs while I just kicked out my heels, heading to the kitchen.

After we stacked the lasagna, I poured us 4 some wine. Tom took his Time undressing while the three of us just giggled and joked around about the interview.

Ali mocked, "Girl, the poor man, how many times do you still wanna friendzone the man on an interview?"

"It's not like that, it's just..." I realize how it probably came off. I rush up, seeing Tom with his hands to his face on the bed.

I walk closer to him, taking his head, resting it on my stomach, "If it helps, I really think you looked amazing tonight."

I can feel him chuckle, he looked up and then remarked, "But you though! You are stunning!"

A/N, ok ok, so I know I planned at least 4 parts this week, I just felt so much under the weather this week, and when I finally wanted to type, I had to go to my friend's father's funeral. Yeah so that happened, and also btw this was my inspo for your look for the interview, https://za.pinterest.com/pin/422281207260298/. While I was typing I searched up GQ interviews, and I was blessed with a bit of Tom, anyways I got school tomorrow again, so I gotta get to bed!! Bye~

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