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20 July 2017


At Home in London


People flooding in and out of Dad's house, they came to give their condolences for his death, people whom I've never even seen walking through that door. Ali stopped by, trying to lift my dead spirit, but still, here I sit in my systematic black clothing. One person that came into the house that I remember from my childhood is Mrs. Molly Watson- I never expected to see her again- she was my agent when I was acting a bit. Maybe it's time to start acting again?

I talk to her about my trip to America, she seems ecstatic, she even insisted on joining me next time. Apparently, her children were big fans of my relationship with Tom. Tom and I both signed something for them, that she got to take home to them.

Even the Holland family came by, I must say, when I saw mister Dominic, I started crying again. I've clearly been blinded by what I wanted when I missed what I already have. After the service, they left.

Everybody slowly left, and the lawyers decided it was time to read Dad's will to us, they would have earlier but Mum and I were hesitant and prolonged as long as we could. We got comfortable in the living room and Mr. Jeffery started to read the will. There were bits and pieces where I'd start getting a bit nervous when Tom would increase his grip on my hand.

Dad has left us with the house, the business, and everything he had to his name, including all of his money. Mum and I spoke about all of this, our plan would be to sell the house, and the business we'd take the money, and go back to America. Our plan is to move in with Tom. This is where we can finally say goodbye to everything that chained us down.

The lawyers left after finishing giving us things and reading the will. Mum decided that she wanted to go lay down, while I wanted to show Tom around the house a bit.

I started in my room. My bed was still unmade after we slept in it last night. He wandered around the room until stopping in front of my shelf taking off my spiderman figure.

"You really were obsessed with me, huh?"

"Correction, I was obsessed with Spider-man, your obsession started recently." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok fine," he sighed.

He put it down and walked on a bit further, until stopping in front of my small box I forgot to put back in, he took out an old polaroid foto that I had of myself and put it up to see the resemblance, "Yeah that's you for sure!"

"Oh stop it, Tom, come on we have one other big room, you haven't seen yet."

 "What is it?"

"Dad's office."

We walked down the long hall, until stopping in front of it. I hesitated before opening it, Dad's number one rule was, "Don't ever go in my office." Tom shoved me lightly past me and opened the door. He looked me in my eyes and said, "He's not here anymore Y/N, he can't hurt you!"

I smiled and walked in, the place was full of dust, clearly, he wasn't in here recently. We opened cupboards and laughed at a few of the things in here. Until a folder near the printer caught my eye, I looked in the printer to see a sheet that had yet to be inserted. I wanted to just pass it, until my name caught my attention. It seemed to be a copy of an email he printed, he did this a lot because he always said that he never trusted electronics fully. It read:

Report on Y/N L/N:

I am pleased to tell you that Y/N would clearly be running back to you soon boss, after sending her friend flying, she would easily be scared back into your grasp. It's a shame that everything didn't go 100% as you planned, but I'd say that it went even better than we had planned.

7 May 2016.


I think I wanted to vomit. This man is the reason why Ali got hurt. I take the file and rummage through it. Apparently, Dad was also behind the apartment robbery as well as a lot of other things that had happened in this past year. I started shaking, Tom noticed and came closer to console me, he took the paper from me. He quickly scanned it, I noticed he was finished when he crumbled the paper, clearly, he was just as mad as I was.

"I will make sure that this L. will never lay their hands on you."

"It's ok... I'm sure that they won't be doing anything, not after his passing."

I walk closer to him and plant a small kiss on his cheek. I pull away to look him in his eyes. He had clearly cooled off but still had a serious expression. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently, his lips were soft. I tried to distract him by just talking, "So I was thinking..."

"What were you plotting?"

"Nothing bad... I was just thinking about some things that I might need to look into again?"



He picked me up and twirled me in the air. As he carefully put me on the floor he smiled.

"So what are you plotting Thomas?"

"I was also just thinking about things I wanted to look into..."

"Mhmm, like?"

"I know this is abrupt, and I will still give you a proper proposal but," he bends down on one knee, "Y/N, this week was terrifying, I was scared I'd lose you, and that fear helped me realize I never want to lose you. So would you marry me?"

"So you said you are going to propose properly later on right."

He chuckles and nods his head.

"Well I'd hate to break it to you, but I don't need a 'proper' proposal, you are enough for me. So YES!"

A/N - Wow... What a difference to the first epilogue, I know this is short, but I'm really excited to get to writing the new book, I will first be making the cover after publishing these changes, but look out for it in the next couple of days!

Oh and just a heads up, I don't think you should be expecting much on Wednesday, It's my birthday and I'm going out to celebrate. Ironically my last chapter ended 13 July and without me knowing it I ended it on my birthday! So that's cool! Ok well finally goodbye ya'll have a wonderful day.~

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