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2 May 2016

The Set

When I finally decide to walk in, wondering of all the different types of heroes I might have to work with, I never guessed that I'll be working for Spidey, honestly getting my favorite superhero, and the main star of the show, that's so cool.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Tom asks.

"Oh um... I a-m Y/N, I applied for the assistant job..." I ask nervously.

"Oh yeah, I remember you, Y/N, your application was so good!" Tom exclaims.

He just complimented me, Tom Holland just complimented me... A flow of bashfulness overflows my body as I rush out of the trailer. But as I try to exit I forgot there were just a few steps upon entering the trailer, I trip and fall straight onto the ground. My handbag went airborne, a few of my things fell out, including my driver's license.

Tom rushes out picking me up from the ground, he laughs it off by saying, "Damn those steps did come out of nowhere!"

We both laugh it off, but Tom's attention was quickly drawn to a small piece of plastic on the floor. He picks it up looking at it before giving it to me shortly after, I look down to see that he gave me my driver's license back, it probably catapulted out of my purse upon hitting impact with the floor.

"Uhh, thank you mister Holland," I mumble.

"Please call me Tom," He states.

"No can do sir, you are my employer though," I explain.

"Well it's ok, just call me Tom." He affirms.

"I'll think about it..." I whisper

"Well that's better than nothing, now let's get those scrapes looked at!" Tom tells me with a caring voice.

He leads me inside, hands me the first aid kit, and just asks me a few questions...

"So, clearly you have an English accent, but from where in Europe are you from?" He asks.

"I'm from London sir..." I murmur.

"Firstly, I am also from London, secondly you don't have to be shy around me, and thirdly don't call me sir...!" He affirms.

"Ok Mister Holland." I look up at him smiling, for the first time in a week, I feel safe.

He sighs but still has a smile on his face. He asks me another question, but his voice was full of curiosity," Y/N, why did you apply to be my assistant, why did you agree to this?" 

"Honestly, either my eagerness or my anxiousness could answer this question. On one side I'm forever grateful for this opportunity I've always wanted to work for Marvel, but I'm afraid of making mistakes, I'm afraid of getting in the way and making things worse!" I quiver, my voice soft but my heart screaming.

I guess Tom noticed something because after this the questions stopped, but his voice was almost as delicate as a whisper, breaking the silence," Y/N, have you been to America before?"

I shake my head, I looked into his eyes, it looked like his inner child was trying to come out and that's exactly what happened, his voice hasty," Ok, well why don't we go to the pier?"

"B-but what about the set?" I query.

"I just have to run a few errands..." He jokes. But the smile on his face is so reassuring, it beams with a heart full of care.

I realized I have no say in this matter, I look at him in pure bliss," Well seeing as you asked, it would be rude to deny it won't it!" 

How could he calm my fears so quickly?

"Ok, but first we need to go ask if there is anything they need help with," I order.

As I said, we went to ask Jon what they needed help with. We probably helped them around the set for a couple of hours, doing little things. But those little things took time.


The Pier

Tom was walking in front, while I was close on his heels behind him, he looked behind him smiling, "Hey, if you're not careful you'll get lost in the crowd."

I smile walking a bit faster, walking side by side. But still, as a child, my eyes are drawn to a cotton candy shop. I look at Tom with a very persuasive smile, "So Mister Holland, can we maybe, by any chance, perhaps, possibly get cotton candy?"

"Well stop calling me Mister Holland and that could be arranged..." He smirks.

"Well if I have to... Sir can we get cotton candy," I smile childishly.

I could hear the disappointment in his voice, "Seeing as you technically didn't say Mister Holland, I'll allow it." He goes closer to the store and buys us two sticks of cotton candy. I smile sheepishly at him. He hands me my cotton candy.

As the sun starts to set, I look at Tom, his face covered in a bit of cotton candy. I decide to tell him about it, he wipes it off, and then looks at me, "Is it all gone?" 

In a billion years, I never thought I'd be walking with Tom Holland on the LA piers. With this Sun's final rays shone in his eyes. I noticed how pretty they are.

"Y/N!", "Hey, Y/N? Are you still here," Tom questions waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, definitely," I giggle it off.

"So one last thing though," Tom smirks.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel..." Tom says excitedly.

"Oh, um sure-e..." I affirm anxiously.

He grabs my hand, rushing through the large crowd of bystanders. He looks back at me and smirks, "Don't worry, we are almost there." His smile is so reassuring.

We arrive in front of the giant wheel. When the conductor of the Ferris wheel takes Tom's money he opens the door to the tiny cart. Tom guides me in first as I try to say something, "But-t, I'm afraid of..." he cuts me off.

"No buts, let's get in." He guides.

"But I'm afraid of heights..." I think to myself.

We take our seats in the cart. I could feel Tom staring at me, so I avoided eye contact with him but from up here I notice and remark," The view is beautiful, the sunset is gorgeous from up here, thank you, Tom..." I look at him, we finally make eye contact. I try to say something, but the words didn't want to leave my mouth. But his eyes really make a person feel cared for. One last time I look at him uttering the simple 3 words, "Thank you, Tom." Tom looks at me, I couldn't tell but either the sunset is reflecting on his skin or he is blushing.

"Y/N, you are so special..." Tom whispers.

For the rest of the Ferris wheel ride, we just stared into each other's eyes. The eyes I could get lost in.

A/N: Damn guys I am so fricken glad that you are enjoying this so much. Ok, ok, ok so I watched Spiderman yesterday and I accidentally did something in this chapter and I wrote it before watching it and it's kinda funny. Lmao, but anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

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