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5 May 2016


The Set


After Mama sent that message I still didn't know what to say back, "Great! What happens next..." or "I'm sorry Mama, I know you loved him..." Did she really love him, did she watch me run away on purpose, I don't understand.

But what I do understand, is that Mama needs my help, after we are done with filming I'll ask Tom what to do. But right now I want to watch a man in Latex. 

I look at the set where Tom was doing a few scenes of his own. It was really dangerous, but Tom didn't want to have anybody else do it, what a show-off. Honestly, I wish this- 

My deep train of thought is interrupted by a sweaty man picking me up from the chair and spinning me around. I playfully yell at him, "Tom! We haven't told anybody yet, stop it, boy!"

But clearly, I spoke too soon as the entire crew that was working on the set looked at us. Z walked closer and asked curiously, "Damn, this employer really loves his employees, doesn't he...?" 

I giggle it off as Tom tried to explain everything, a few of the crew members came over to congratulate us. Others looked a bit mad, but I paid no mind to them. 

"So, Sir sweaty Tom, what do you want?" I ask him

"You, well I am sure you knew that one... But what I actually wanted is something to drink. Can you get us Mcdonalds..." he pleads.

Well with a smile like that who could say no. I laugh at him and give in, he accompanies me all the way to his car, he opened the door for me, but as I tried to climb in, he grabbed my wrist pulling me closer. After pulling me, he rested his hands on my waist, our faces are inches away. I stand on my tippy toes as he goes in for a kiss. When he pulls away and I try to go for another one, he lightly shoves me into the car and says, " You're gonna be late, darling." He chuckles as he closed the door.

Bashful me took a second to realize what just happened, I shake it off and start the car.

The drive to Mcdonalds was really quiet, I had tons of things I was thinking of concerning my mother. Do I just let her come to America, do we move in together? What if I have Tom over? But my questions didn't really last long as I got Tom's milkshake and returned to the set.

I walk into the room where all of the filming had been done, I noticed that it was really quiet, the crew was here but not the actors. I waddled over towards Jon and asked, "Hey, uhh where is everyone?" 

He looked at me and told me that Tom had to go and change but he's probably done now, I can go fetch him. I take a deep sigh as I walk closer towards Tom's trailer, this was nostalgic, the very first day. Jon also sent me towards his trailer. I open up the door, it's pitch black in here, all the curtains are closed and the lights are off. 

As I enter a few people yelled, "Happy birthday!" Tom stood between all of them walking a bit closer to me and apologizing, "Happy birthday Y/N, I know we are a bit late. But I wanted to still make your day special, as special as you are to me..."

"How did you know?!" I question.

"Oh uh, your driver's license, that you dropped the other day..." he mumbles

All of them wished me well and then disappeared out of the trailer. Tom looks at me and sighs, "I should probably get back to set..." 

I look at him lovingly, and say," Wait, let's at least take a photo first." I take my bag off my back and take out my older camera. Tom was sitting in front of the mirror as I bent down behind him, snatching a picture and kissing him on his cheek, I whispered, "My spiderman, thank you for everything."

A/N: Another short chapter, I am really sorry, I really didn't mean it... Ok but I was thinking of where I am taking this story a bit, and I have a general idea... But we'll have to see. I am again really really bad at time management, it's 22:52 this time tho... Ok but seriously tho, I was thinking of doing the shorter chapters during the week and on weekends you get about +1500 words??? But yeah I am hella tired after the first day of school.

And if you didn't realize the photo they took was based on a real photo Z and Tom took, I wanted to put it in there. Anyways have a lovely day. K bye~

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