715 20 9

5 May 2016




Obviously, spoiler alert, my answer was clearly YES. Tom and I just watched the stars a bit more as I was laying on his lap and he was sitting cross-legged on the blanket, Well let's just say I was looking at the stars, but I could feel Tom staring at me sweetly. 

Tom stared and asked, "So, you know after the whole movie thing, I'd honestly love it if you could be my permanent assistant."

"Oh and who said I wouldn't be, who do you think could replace me?" I jokingly ask.

"Ok, well what about the premiere that is in a couple of months, will you join me on the red carpet?" he asks.

"I honestly, haven't thought about that Thomas, all I want to do is live in the now, live with you..." I look up at him, making eye contact, smiling at him sheepishly.

"Alright darling," He smiles flirtatiously, when he mumbles," I wish this moment could last..."

"We'll head in at nine, because not only is tomorrow full of meetings, but it also has a ton of house hunting to do..." I am interrupted by my phone suddenly ringing.

When I take out my phone, Tom jokingly remarks, "Quite the busy person today aren't you?"

When I looked at the screen it read, Ali, I'll just call her tomorrow. I put the phone down, as I lean into Tom to kiss him, but before we could actually kiss, Ali started calling again. 

I looked at Tom's annoyed face and sarcastically said, "It may be important..." He just smirked, helping me up as I answered the call.

An indescribable squeal, squealed as I answered the phone. I try and calm Ali down as I try and let her catch her breath. "Ali, breath in, breath out, breath in..." 

"How can I do that if I just booked a plane ticket to America, Y/N, The plane is set to land at..." I interrupted her with a loud squeal of my own.

Tom looked at me very confused, but my reply to Ali clearly cleared up the confusion. 

"Wait, how, when, what time? Why would you book a flight to America?" I yell.

"Love, careful! People are sleeping!" Tom asserts.

Not only am I extremely happy with Ali coming, but I'm frightfully flustered with Tom calling me love.

"Ok, so tell me, why?!" I ask.

"Well, with Lovie busy filming, I guessed that you might need some help house hunting- Sorry your mom kinda told me everything!" She giggles.

"Ok, but where are you gonna stay?" I ask.

"Well, I booked a hotel near yours, and I've only booked for 5 nights, so dearie we have 5 days to find your ideal apartment!" She asserts.

As we chatted about a few minor details, it wasn't long before I hung up, but Tom approached me, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking at me deeply, "I missed you, Love!"

"I was just here!" I point to where I was previously on my phone with Ali.

"Too far!" Tom says babyishly.

"Oh come on baby!" I laugh it off.

We spent the rest of the hour, just stargazing a bit, but most importantly, Tom put us on some slow music. He grabbed me and pulled me in very tightly as if with one slip of a finger he could lose me forever! But Thomas, I'm not going anywhere.

We spent the remainder of that time just out there, as I was getting sleepy. Tommy decided that It would be a smart idea to carry me to the apartment, he stumbled a few times, almost falling on his face. But he did it! He put me down as we finally got ready for bed. 

I just quickly entered the bathroom to change, brush my teeth, and put my hair up in a messy bun. As I exited the bathroom, Tom was laying in the bed shirtless, I controlled myself this time and climbed in bed next to him. I looked at him and sarcastically said, "I can't believe I am dating spidey!", he quickly replied," I can't believe I am dating the most talented person ever!"

I took the cushion behind me and slapped him with it, fell on his chest, took out my phone, and opened Instagram.

29 Posts, 617 followers, and 827 followings.

I look through photos that I might have of spidey, I had the perfect photo, It was just a simple stunt photo, Tom was dangling from his "webs", but while the director called cut, I quickly snapped a photo of this dork. But now it is the perfect photo to post.

I tried thinking of the best caption: Hang in there spidey, My superhero, My spidey, or even, So when am I getting my upsidedown spiderman kiss.

After such good options, I went for an entirely different one well sort of, my caption said, Hang in there spidey, I got you! Immediately a few seconds after posting my phone started to blow up, a lot follows and even more likes, but that seems like tomorrow's problem because as I was trying to post this new photo, Tom fell asleep. He really is a baby, but he is my baby!

A/N: Ok, so I'm sorry for this chapter. It is a bit weird, it is still in the top 10 chapters, I really wanted to post as I promised, but I also wanted to build a bit of backstory and get you ready for Ali, this is going to be a rollercoaster, I am ready to ride...! Oh and the Tom x reader scenes in here are really wholesome... Tom is really just a big baby! But like I said, he's your big baby! I'm overtired clearly, I haven't slept and it's quarter to 12... Bye~

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