858 26 10

5 May 2016




I wake up to the smell of cooking, the clinks, and clanks of pots, and the very faint sound of some music. After that terrible dreams, all I honestly want is just his presence. A few footsteps could be heard coming up from the steps. A sweet smile accompanied by a breathtaking man...

"Morning! I made you some breakfast..." He tells, but it still seems as if he is a little shy.

He puts the plate down next to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. He soon scurries down to the kitchen and fetches my coffee. I look at him smiling," You know you didn't have to do all this..." He laughs and walks a bit closer sitting in front of me and tells me, "I really do want to give you all that you deserve..." 

He leans in closer for a kiss, but I decided that I'd play with his feelings a bit, I stop his kiss by putting my finger on his lips. He looks at me confused and I jokingly say, "We're gonna be late, darling." He returns to his position at my feet. After that horrible dream, I needed someone to talk to. I tell everything that happened and everything that was related to that dream.

Memories came out that I once didn't even remember, I forgot about my mother's miscarriage, I forgot about my father's angry drunk issues and I forgot about his expectations. After arriving in America all that I could think of was my new life. I feel selfish, yes I did message Ali almost every day but I forgot about Mom.

A single tear slid down my cheek. Tom noticed this as he shoveled closer, putting one hand on my leg to comfort me and the other hand he used to wipe away the tear. He looks at me deeply and says in a soft voice "Hey Y/N... Don't worry, I am sure whatever you are worried about it will solve itself. You are stronger than your problem. I believe in you." 

I look at him with pure bliss and love in my heart. He knew the words to calm me, he knew the melody to my heartstrings. I lean closer to try and give him a kiss but was interrupted by a very excited Holly jumping in my lap, she was really excited to see I was awake. 

Tom stood up and sighed, "Holly clearly doesn't like us kissing..." He giggles as he walks into his closet grabbing something to wear and then calls out to me," Hey Y/N, I'm gonna use the downstairs bathroom, so that you could comfortably get ready!" 

I gobble the food down that Tom gave me, I open my bags and take out an outfit. I grab my phone and the outfit and enter the bathroom.

I decided to let the water run a bit so that it would be nice and warm. But as I waited I looked at my phone seeing that I have one message, it was from Mom. I opened the message and it read:



Hey Y/N. So I really don't know how to tell you this,

but I decided to leave your dad. It's a big step and I can't-



I put my phone down to take in what I just read, I didn't even read the entire message, I don't know if I should be excited or sad, mad or relieved. But I do know one thing, At least Mama is safe.

A/N: I am really so sorry that this chapter is so short, I really did want to push it but it is currently 11:00 PM and I am starting my final year of school tomorrow, so yeah! Anyways, I really hoped you liked this tiny chapter. 

I wanted to ask you one thing tho, if you do enjoy my work, would you mind following, I think it really helps me out, no idea... But yeah, see you tomorrow bye~

A Simple Smile ( Tom Holland X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now