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24 December 2016:


At the Airport


"Do you think they'll be able to see us?" I ask Tom.

"I don't know, maybe let's wait to find out," Not long after Tom said this, Paddy ran into Tom's waist and gave him a hug from behind. When we turned around, the entire Holland family was walking toward us.

We greeted the Hollands, and made our way to the car, Tom drove us home.


Tom stopped the car in the driveway and everybody started flooding out of the car and into the house. The twins took the spare bedroom near the kitchen with the 2 single beds, Paddy and his parents got the spare bedroom upstairs, this room has 1 king-size bed and one sleeper couch that can be transformed into a bed for Paddy.

"I'm really looking forward to meeting your mother Y/N!" Aunt Nikki gushed.

"Believe me, she wouldn't stop asking questions, like when you guys are coming, what they like to eat, and she wouldn't stop asking."

"I can't wait! Looking at how you are, I'm sure she will be a lovely woman!"

"Thomas, we brought all of your Christmas gifts with us, they're in the extra bag, would you be a dear and carry that one in for me?"

"Definitely mum!"

They only brought gifts for Tom, my mother and me, the rest of them already opened their gifts in London. While Tom escorted his mum into the house, Mum's car stopped next to Tom's in the driveway. I walked over to it and opened the car door for her while she was grabbing her purse.

"Y/N darling, please grab the food in the boot, I decided to just grab 5 Pizzas for tonight."

I waddled over to the boot and tried grabbing all the pizzas. Tom came jogging out and smiled at me, "Love, don't overcarry yourself!" He grabbed 4 of the pizza boxes and accompanied me to the kitchen to set the food down.

"Oo Pizza-" Harry came running into the kitchen. "-Nope, we have to wait for the others first," I teased him.

Soon the rest strolled into the kitchen one-for-one, the ladies dished in first and then the men could dish in. We took our seats in the living room, put on some Christmas Carols, and just had different conversations. Paddy, asked something that almost made me choke on a bite," So, Y/n, Tom when are you getting married?"

Tom started giggling like a child next to me. I gently elbowed him but he was waiting for me to answer Paddy, "Well Paddy, Tommy and I-" I death stare at him, "-We've only been dating for 7 months now, don't you think that's a bit fast?"

I looked over at our Mums that were laughing and gossiping with each other. But Paddy was persistent, he wasn't going to give up. "Well, you two are made for each other!"

"Little Paddy, maybe give it a few more years..." The room burst out laughing. Paddy was totally baffled at why we were laughing at him, he didn't have an idea why we were laughing at him.

We cleaned up a bit, Paddy and Mr. Dominic started watching Christmas movies. Tom and the twins went to go and play Xbox. I started a tiny bonfire for Aunt Nikki, Mum, and me outside, we sat on the giant lounge chairs outside. Looking up at the stars and just talking. The chit-chat was minimal, Aunty Nikki asked Mum if she'd be comfortable in sharing what happened with her and Dad, while I just sat there gazing at the fire. It looked like a piece of art being painted. Each flame is another brush stroke. Fire is beautiful, you can really see the destruction caused by each seer when tiny pieces of wood caught flame you could see, how it started small and erupted into the flame it is now. Was mum and Dad's relationship like this? Did the problems start as a mere ember, but erupted and became like this roaring flame? I look towards the house, seeing Mr. Dom joking around with Paddy. Can my parents burning problems be set out by water? 

I peered over the fire, seeing mum tearing up a bit, but Aunty Nikki was comforting her, Aunt Greta, always knew everything - but never knew how to help Mama, maybe Aunty Nikki does.

Tom probably got bored with the Xbox, because, after an hour of them playing and us sitting out here, he came out carrying the presents that the Hollands brought, but also a blanket. Tom handed Mama's gifts to her. He relaxed next to me threw the blanket over us and started opening the gifts. He placed 3 gifts on my lap, one is from the twins, one is from Paddy and the last one is from Tom's parents.

I opened the twin's present, it was a picture taken on the Eye of London, where the twins and I were joking around. Tom took the picture, at least we have pictures together (It's actually my wallpaper on my laptop). Then I opened Tom's parent's gift, it was a lovely golden necklace with a tiny crystal hanging from it. When I opened Paddy's gift, I almost started tearing up. It was a giant collage of Paddy and I goofing off, building legos, drinking milkshakes. He shows me what it's like, to have a younger brother- I always want to protect him.

After Tom put his presents down, he reminded me that we still have to open each other's presents, and Mum needs to open ours from both of us- but that can wait. Tom decided to use me as a pillow, he laid his head on my lap while I played with his curls. Not long after that, he drifted off into dreamland... I hope that our problems never blaze into a flame-like that, like my parent's problems did...

I notice how every so often Aunty Nikki would look at us in pure awe, I hope things can stay like this forever...


I wake Tom up after putting the fire out taking him to lazily to our room, when we got in the room, the presents that we both got each other and that Mum got us, waited for us on the bed, even Ali sent me a Christmas gift in the mail. We opened it up, Tom was clearly on the same page as Paddy, because Tom bought me a promise ring.

"I promise to look after you, you're as precious as the Sapphire in this ring."

It was super cheesy, but I could feel how to butterflies were doing marathons in my stomach. Mama bought me new make-up as I told her that's all I would've wanted her to get me... 

But Ali's gift was very unique, a while ago I told her how excited I was for this new book Eleanor Lesley was publishing, it's name was "Why us?" It focused primarily on survivors after a plane crash. I'm super excited to read it! I bought Tom picture frames, that had special photos of us. A photo of us on the eye of London, as well as on the pier our very first outing. There was a jar filled with notes that he could open daily, for inspiration or just why I love him! And lastly I bought him a nice chain necklace, but this one had my initial hanging from it.

We put away our presents and climbed in bed. Tom wrapped his strong arms around me, and just like that- after a long day... I fall asleep.

A/N- Hey hey! So I changed the cover page of A simple smile, if you don't like it, tell me and I'll change it back, but I really really like it! I gotta go tho... Have a wonderful Easter or a nice weekend... Love ya, bye~

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