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13 June 2017


At Home


Bzz bzz bzz... I leaned over to snooze my alarm.

I groaned as I turned around in bed, trying to avoid my alarm that I have snoozed, I rolled into Tom's chest, he was still soundly asleep. His chest filled with air with each breath, his curls messy as always, and obviously he still had his goofy smile on his face. I saw how each line connected to his face. He started smiling bigger, "Darling, what are you doing..."

I puff my cheeks, acting like a toddler who had just been scolded, "I'm looking at you, while I try and ignore my alarm that is probably going to ring in 7 minutes..."

He leaned in for a kiss, "Well, you know we are probably going to have to get up, we have our fittings today."

"But can't I just go in my Pj's"

He starts chuckling, wraps me around my waist, and pulls me in, "And that's why I love you!"

We remained like that for a couple of minutes, I rested on his chest while he wrapped me up in his arms, holding me carefully. 

Bzz bzz bzz, I let out a big groan, untangle myself and get up.

"I'll go make some coffee, can you get the bathtub running please baby."

I start boiling the kettle, I was still so tired. For the last few months, we've been going to interview after interview. At least I was behind the stage, but each of Tom's questions was about us or a bit of Marvel sprinkled in.

"Do you see yourself marrying Y/N?"

"How did you and Y/N meet?"

"Do you plan on bringing Y/N in on future projects?"

It must be exhausting to work as hard as he did, but it gets overshadowed by us... The tea kettle *clicked* and the water was done boiling. I poured in the cups of coffee and stirred them, before taking the coffee to Tom. I went to sit on one of the barstools that were on the other side of the island. I folded my arms and laid on them for a while, Tom came in all happy chappy- he wore a black turtleneck t-shirt with black cargo pants, rocking some black boots with them.

I could see his nomination bracelet dangle from his arm.

He stood behind me and gave me a bear hug, I don't know if he was trying not to fall asleep, or was I trying not to fall asleep.


We cleaned the house up a bit, Law Roach was coming with a few red carpet looks, he brought different photos of different make-up looks, hairstyles, and everything.

When his car stopped in the driveway he brought out matching outfits, my attention was immediately drawn to his maroon/burgundy set. We greet Law, I ordered us 3 some Starbucks on the Uber eats app and we get started, talking about the dresses and the looks we had planned for the premier, Tom went and fitted the suit I really wanted him to wear, while Law and I just gossip about anything and everything.

Tom looked like a masterpiece, he blew my heart away. When he came out, Law asked me to go and put this beautiful dress on, It wasn't that difficult, Tom came into the room to bring me my Starbucks, just when I tried pulling up the zipper, he was stunned- but immediately snapped out of it when he realized I was stuck with the dress, he came closer pushing my hair out of the way and zipped the dress closed, I did a twirl for him and grinned, "I know, it's probably ugly, I don't know if I can pull this off."

A Simple Smile ( Tom Holland X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now