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4 May 2016


Y/N's Hotel Room

I am woken up by a knock at my door and Holly trying her best to be my guard dog. I glance over to my phone, who dares to wake somebody at 6 in the morning. I only have to be on set today at 8:00 and now they want to wake me up.

I jump up from bed, trying to cover up a little using my night robe. I look in the mirror, I look like a damn mess, but that's their problem, they try and wake me up at six in the morning. So they can't expect sunshine and roses. I look through the peephole, seeing that it is none other than Tom.

"Tom Holland, what the hell are you doing?!" I yell through the door.

"Are you just gonna leave me out here?" Tom tries to ask me.

"Yes and no... I look like a mess though!" I call out.

"So, no?" He tries to convince me.

I yank the door open, pulling him inside. I order him to sit on the bed while I am trying to get ready- trying to look presentable...

"Ok, so tell me why are you here!" I cry out from the bathroom.

"Well, I thought we could get Starbucks before we went to set," Tom explains.

"Couldn't you have sent me a message?" I ask fiercely.

"I did..." He mumbles.

I look at my phone that was placed on the bathroom counter. I see 3 messages from 2 different senders. I don't think anything of it and just swipe away the notifications. Although the bathroom door was shut I could hear Tom and Holly getting along well. I just decided to quickly put my hair in a pony braiding the side of my hair. I put on a simple white Tank top, a cream oversized sweater over the shirt, my light-blue jean shorts, and my white sneakers. 

Finally, I exit the bathroom seeing a Tom Holland asleep on my bed, cuddling with Holly.

"Boy! If you woke me up; just to go to bed here, you're in for it!" I yell at him.

He quickly sits straight, looking at me muttering, "You look good..."

"Thanks, but I was promised coffee!" I order.

"Is it okay if Holly comes with us, we can bring her back before going to work?" I ask.

"No problem," he smiles, he looked at me with a bit of care in his eyes. 

I grab Holly's leash and we head out, heading towards Tom's car.



Starbucks parking lot

"I can't wait for this caffeine, I really need it." I laugh.

"Well as long as you aren't gonna be grumpy today, then yeah I'll gladly get you some coffee," Tom jokes.

I shrug it off, looking for my phone. Damn, I forgot it on the bathroom counter.

"Tom, so I may or may not have forgot my phone," I state.

"It's ok we'll just get it when we come back to drop Holly off." He says, resolving the issue in seconds.

He drives up to the microphone ready to take our order.

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