603 15 11

10 May 2016


At Home


I open my eyes ever so slowly, Tom is still in bed. We don't have any work planned today, but we have to start packing. Saturday is moving day, and we still have an entire apartment to pack. 

We didn't really talk about the entire running away topic, not that we didn't have the chance for it. No, believe me, we really had a lot of opportunities, but I didn't want things to repeat themselves, so I'd rather let the dust lie.

I slowly stand up from bed, trying to avoid waking up Tom. I head towards the bathroom, I shut and lock the door behind me. As I undress, my eye catches my reflection in the mirror. 

I stare deeply into the mirror, looking at my own scarred body. My father's voice echoes through my head. A memory of him talking to a younger me, looking into a similar mirror, filled with bruises and scratches. 

"I told you, you should have listened to me!" he yells.

"But Dad, I just wanted to stay up a bit later, I just wanted to watch the fireflies flying outside my window..." After I muttered those innocent words he came closer yanking me by my arm. I remember I tried to fight back, just try and mutter a word, but he was too overpowering.

When I came back to my own recollection, breaking free of this trap that was a prison of memory, I wasn't staring at the present me, I was still staring at the same broken hopeful little girl. In the same broken house, scolded by the same broken father. But this time was different, his grip was tighter than usual, and his eyes gave off a bit of grief, a look I'd never expect to see in his eyes. 

I heard him mutter a single sentence, "I am sorry."

His grip tightened tremendously, my squirming didn't help, "Papa, what are you doing! Why! Daddy, please don't. I won't do anything wrong anymore, I will be a good girl. Papa, please don't!"

"Hey Y/N, are you okay in there?" A voice echoed through the room.

"Help, please help! Papa is going to hurt me!" I shrieked for help.

"Hey, Y/N... Wake up! It's OK. You're okay, I am here, your father isn't!" The voice echoes again.

Finally, I shrugged awake, while I was reminiscing about the 'good' old days, I clearly passed out somehow. I was drenched in a cold sweat, and Tom hunched over my body. His eyes were filled with tears. I smiled sheepishly at him," Well, clearly you're my spiderman."

"Y/N, this is serious what happened? Are you okay?" Tom says it while rubbing away a few of his tears. He helps me up from the floor. 

I look behind him, noticing that the bathroom no longer has a door, "Uhm, Tommy what happened to our door?"

"Someone decided to lock the door as they entered, so your 'spiderman' had to kick down the door..." He smiles in coy.

I burst out in laughter. I looked at his worried eyes and decided to brush it off, I stand up and start picking up pieces of our door. 

"Damn, couldn't you have waited a few days," I smile at him?

"Mhmm, nope! I just always wanted to kick in a door." He chuckles.

"Bucketlist checked?" I question.

"Definitely..." He affirms.



Tom and I are just singing along with the loud music, packing up a few of the things and putting them in boxes, and just making stupid jokes.

"What do you call two monkeys who share an Amazon account?" Tom questions.

"Dunno," I answer.

"Prime Mates," Tom bursts out in laughter.

"Good one!" I remark sarcastically.

"You know because it's amazon prime and monkeys are-" He tries explaining.

"Tommy-boy jokes aren't funny if you have to explain it..." I mock.

"Well- I thought it was a good one..." He chuckles.

After packing probably 3/4 of the apartment, I decided I had enough for today. Tom went out to grab food for supper, but I think I'll just send him a message to tell him I'd be back in a bit. Just got to go see how Ali is doing.


Babs, I'm going out a bit, just gotta go check up on

Ali, doctors say she might wake up any day now!


No problem, I'll start with dinner when I get home,

Stay safe love.

Not long after I went outside, the Uber arrived. We drove in silence. Even death would be jealous.

He dropped me near the hospital, near a Starbucks. I order my usual and head towards the hospital, would Ali ever wake up, yes- they did stabilize her, but was that enough? Will she wake up, will I ever see her smile again, will I hear her annoying laugh?

I enter the hospital, busy as usual, I greet Janice at the front desk and dawdle towards her room. I stop at the Kiosk to get a bouquet of flowers. Ali would love these, It would be amazing if she'd wake up and see these flowers next to her.

I slide the door open, my heart sunk to the bottom of my feet. Aunt Greta (Ali's mother) and Mama were sitting in the room. 

Greta turned around," Y/N, I'm so happy you're ok, Your Mom told me everything and we booked the first flight possible. But there's something she needs to tell you-"

"My-oh-my, those are some breathtaking flowers, you definitely have your mother's keen eye for beauty." His voice echoed through my head, making its way down all the way to my Hollow Heart.

A man stood next to me, his height towered over me, but his sins, his greed overshadowed everything. He is back, my father is back.

"Why, doesn't Papa get a hello, my daughter?" He questions.

These words are only a show, an act to fool Aunt Greta and the staff in this hospital.

"You'd be happy to know that I paid for your friend's doctor's fees in full, and even her fees for the USAAMT (US Air Ambulance Medical Transport), she is finally going home, I wish I could say that of you too." He mocks.

"Don't-" I mumble.

I look him straight in the eyes and stand my ground," Don't come here and expect to rule in unknown lands, this isn't your battlefield- Papa." I must say, there's one thing I got from him, being able to stand ground and get what I want, at all means necessary.

A/N, Soooooo I'm back, sorry again for the break, I focused on school as well as Mental health... But yeah, I'm on school holiday!! So I'm going to try and frequently update again! I wasn't planning on this ending for this chapter, a real spur-of-the-moment idea, but yeah! I hope where ever you are, you are happy, healthy, and warm. Stay Safe!! ~Bye

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