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5 May 2016




As I sat by the island in the kitchen while Tommy was making us some tea, I told him what my mom told me about leaving that man, until I totally forgot that I didn't even ask if Mama could move in.

"Tom..." I mumble, my entire cheerful smile dropped, as I didn't want to feel guilty, I avoided eye contact with Tom.

Tom scurries towards me, he lifts my chin, forcing me to make eye contact. His gentle smile reassured me enough to ask him. I ask nervously, "Tom- do you think my mom can live with us..."

"Well, Y/N, she can't..." I cut Tom off.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Forget I asked I'll just have to look for an apartment for..." He placed his hand over my mouth before I could mutter away useless thoughts.

"Y/N, I wasn't finished, I wanted to say, she can't move in here because there is no room, there is obviously a quick fix to this. We'll just have to move!" His words filled me with so much hope. In a quick motion, I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Tom, wait thank you, thank you, thank you, I really have the best boyf...!" I enthuse. I cut myself off as I didn't want to say, boyfriend.

"Wait was that?" Tom looks down at me smiling.

"Hold your horses, cowboy! You haven't asked me out so don't think for a second you get that title." I look up giggling.

He lets out a sigh as he grabs me around my waist, he picks me up and spins me in a circle, he puts me down kissing me. After he pulled away he smiled and leaned back in, but he dodged my mouth and went towards my ear whispering, "Hold your horses darling, we have some house hunting to do!"

I hug him once again, so many butterflies filling up from my stomach. This tight embrace was interrupted by my phone starting to ring. 

I look down at my phone, but I didn't save this number, but it was clearly a UK number dialing. My heart started to beat even faster, what if this was my father, what if he wanted to yell at me. I excuse myself, walking into the bathroom sitting on the counter, I steady my breathing as I finally answer the phone.

"Hi this is Y/N, how can I help you..." My words struggled to actually just leave my mouth, but I could finally catch my breath as I heard a female voice.

"Hey Y/N, it's Aunty Mary! Your mother gave me your number, wow, who could think that a niece of mine would be all the way in America and dating a big shot actor nonetheless!" A voice echoes over the phone, yes, of course, it is Mama's eldest sister, Aunty Mary.

"Whew Aunty, you gave me a fright there, for a second I thought you were..." I sigh.

"You thought I was that Asshole of a father of yours?" a voice from the Aunty's side could be heard yelling, "Language Mary!", "Oh, shut up Freddy!"

Just hearing Aunty Mary's voice brought a bit of joy to me, at home she was a big role model to me, being able to say what you want, do what you want, and be where you want to be. Must be a dream!

As Aunty just babbles on about what has happened to her the last few days, gossiping a bit about the entire family and also catching her up to speed with my life.

Her enthusiasm as she gives advice on a few things. I shouldn't let Zendaya go, Tom being an honest sweetheart and my work being a blessing.

This, exactly this, talking to Aunty is what I miss of family gatherings. We'd work in the kitchen, making salads and chatting away. All of the other family members, such as Uncle Freddy and my cousin Lewis would get so annoyed with us because we'd never let them enter the kitchen if we are talking! She is the glue of the family.

The time flew by as a sudden knock came from the door. Tom yelled from the other side, "Y/N! You ok?". I forgot that I panicked my way into the bathroom, leaving Tom clearly alone. "Yeah, I'll be out in a couple of minutes," I yell. But as I know Aunty we at least spoke for an entire hour after that, but I decided that it might be time to say goodbye to Aunt Mary and put the phone down.

I jump down from the counter, open the door as Tom was laying on a pillow that he stole from the couch, laying on the long carpet in front of the bathroom door, snoring away. Before I do anything else I look at the time, it's almost half past 4. Damn, we'll have to do some house hunting tomorrow, right now I really just want to spend time with him.

I lay next to Tom on the carpet, resting my head on his chest, I wasn't laying there for too long until Tom put his one arm around me, holding me closer to him. This made me feel so safe that I fell asleep on the carpet.


Some time later after the sun had set and the stars were out. I woke up on the couch, Tomless. I look around still very fuzzy, I notice a small piece of paper laying on the table in front of me. I stand up walking closer to it.
I fold the letter open and read what is says:


Ok, so when you read this obviously I wouldn't be there.

Don't stress I'm not that far from you. I'd recommend

maybe put something on that you'd like to remember as special,

I don't know, it's your choice...

After that, come and find me on the rooftop of this building.


I do as he requests, I put on a black floral dress with a few sunflowers on it, finally, I wore a brown belt around the waist , some brown boots. I let my hair out from my high ponytail, brushing it out a bit...

Finally, after dressing I head over to stairs that lead all the way to the rooftop. Once I got to the door, the butterflies started pounding in my chest, I honestly don't know what to expect but there is only one way to find out, isn't it?

I swing the door open, but on the other side was a little picnic basket on a red checkered blanket, and a lot of fairy lights spun between walls. It honestly looked like a dream, but this is my dream... A voice comes from behind, whispering in my ear, "Y/N, what do you think?"

"I... I... I love it!" I mumble, I turn around, with a Tom, inches away from my face. We've kissed before, countless other times, but why was this different, his smirk and even a faint smell of cologne. The way he looked at me, he stared into my soul as if there wasn't anything else going on around us. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours and hours became days. I stared into his eyes deeply, his smile was so pure.

Finally, the first one to move was Tom as he picked me up, carrying me, bridal style, towards the blanket and resting me on the cushion that was placed on the blanket. He stood up standing in front of me very awkward and bashful, he tried to mumble a few things, but he kept stumbling over his words, until I stood up, taking his hands into mine and talking to him softly, "Thomas, you are spiderman, I'm sure this is nothing that big, you can do it!"

His grip on my hands tightened, as he finally muttered out the simple 5 words, "Will you be my girlfriend."

A/N: Damn I'm back. Ok... Ok... Ok so I'm very sorry that I didn't publish something in the last 2 days, I'll post one now, and later on... I am very excited for the following parts, so just to rant a bit. Last night our government decided we were clearly using too much power, and they shut our district off. It's called loadshedding... Very annoying. Anyways bye~

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