566 14 11

10 May 2016


A Cafe Nearby


After Mom and Dad's shocking arrival, we decided it might be a better idea if we leave Aunt Greta and Ali alone. We walked to a nearby cafe. I rang Tom and explained to him mostly everything. He insisted to come to join, I was hesitant at first. But every time that man looked me in the eyes, it made me even more uncomfortable.

"Besides, that's what boyfriends do," He said in a soft comforting voice.

These words caused so many butterflies that I had to excuse myself. I left the table heading to the bathroom, when my father tried to mock, "Remember to come back afterward, don't run off on us again."

I glared at him with a faint smile, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I try and brush off what Tom said, it's been a while since the last time he flustered me. And what's up with me having enough confidence to talk to that man like that. Back at home, I could barely look him in the eyes, but here it seems I have no problem putting him in his place. It seems I have grown.

Tom POV:

Ok, Thomas, you got this... How intimidating can he be? He's the one that caused her numerous night-terrors, traumatized her in her past, and he wants to be her father?

If it comes to that, I'd protect her with my life, her mother included. Oh damn, I forgot about her mother, I got to make a good first impression. 

"Hello Mrs. L/N, how do you do..." No, too formal.

"Wassup Mrs. L/N, how have you been..." No, too informal.

Tom, you are an actor, this isn't rocket science, I've got this.


I open the cafe door, a friendly waiter greets me, I look around trying to see where Y/N is. In the back corner obviously, she'd sit there. I walk over but notice that my palms are sweating buckets. Am I this nervous? I dry my hands with my cloth that was laying on one of the tables nearby and head over.

"Ah, here's the man of the hour!" Mrs. L/N proclaimed.

A strong sophisticated man stood up from his seat. He looked me up and down, clearly no signal of trying to greet me first. I held out my hand, "Thomas, It's nice to meet you, Sir." He grabs my hand, and I see a faint smile on his face, "Good to meet you, Tom, I'm Paul, please don't call me sir, call me Paul!" 

"That's not necessary Tommy..." Y/N scoffs.

"Someone forgot to eat their breakfast. She's usually moody without it!" Paul inclines.

"Don't start thinking you know me, usually you're out in pubs or 'work'." Y/N remarks sarcastically.

I take a seat next to Y/N, she is shaking. I take her hand and look her in her eyes, "You got this," I whisper.

"So, Y/N, tell me, how was your trip to America, everything you dreamed of." He laughs.

Why could I see a fake smile behind that sinister laugh? What did he do?

A Simple Smile ( Tom Holland X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now