372 13 1

7 July 2017


On the way to the Premiere


Tom leaned over to me and whispered," Y/N, you look amazing! I really love seeing you in this color!"

"Tommy! Stop it you'll make me blush, then I'll look like a tomato with all this red."

"A really pretty tomato," he bites his lip.

"Thomas Stanley Holland, control your beastly urges!"

He sighs, but then winks at me, taking my hand before we had to exit the car. Outside of the car is a red carpet that leads inside, the sides of the carpet are barricaded with fences to keep the crowds upon crowds of paparazzi, photographers, interviewers, and fans at bay.

I looked around when we climbed out, the crowd cheered as Tom took my hand, guiding me to where we had to answer a few questions, on the way there I greeted Tom's fans, I still don't want to believe that they are mine as well... 

"You two are so cute!"

"Oh my word, I really ship you!"

The crowd roars.

We stopped in front of one of the interviewers, it was a lovely lady and a man with a camera. 

"Ahh, see now we have Tom Holland and Y/N L/N here with us tonight!"

Tom and I greet her by shaking her hand, he then places his around my waist. 

"You two look stunning, rocking the matching colors!"

"Obviously girl!" I laugh.

She starts asking us questions.

"Y/N, was it really annoying to work with Tom?"

"It wasn't that bad, he did help through a lot of baggage I held," I answer.

"And Tom, is it true that you two had a lot of trust issues involving public affection?"

"Yes, in the beginning, we did, but don't a lot of relationships have that in the first two months?"

"I guess, but so bad that she ran away from you, multiple times?"

"She's quite the runner, but I seem to always catch her..."

"Like you caught her heart," the interviewer coos, making me gush with red.

"Moving along with the relationship questions-" The interviewer just blabbed on asking questions about Tom and the movie. Until she asked me this question again, "Ok so Y/N, we know that you've been on the sidelines with Tom and his movie-making, but would you ever do it yourself? We've recently seen clips of what seems to be a younger you on smaller London shows. Do you ever think of rejoining this entertainment career?"

"Honestly, I'd like to, but I don't think that is right for me, right now that is..." Tom's expression changed as I said this, he seemed a bit more curious at my answer.

The questioning went on for a bit longer until we left them, we moved on, and a few photographers asked us to pose for them, it was honestly a lot of fun. I could see how Tom was getting nervous about all of the questioning, filming, and photos being taken. I tightened my grip on Tom's hand as we entered and took our seats. The movie started playing- Seeing how the 3 months I helped Tom on this movie came together, it was motivational honestly. I saw a few scenes that really piqued my interest, the scenes that had memories attached to them, the one that stood out the most to me was after Tom was in his sweaty suit and came to hug me after filming. I looked around seeing tons of celebrity faces. Their facial expressions said it all, they were really impressed by this movie! But I don't think they entirely know how much blood, sweat, and tears went into designing and shooting this movie.

About forty minutes into the movie, my phone rang, I got up and quickly went to the bathroom to answer the phone. It was a private number, so it couldn't have been Mum or Ali.

"Hello, this is Y/N speaking, may I ask who is calling?"

"Hey, pumpkin-"

My heart fell to the floor, why tonight, why out of all the other times he could've called it had to be tonight.

"Hey, Dad, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You don't have to be so formal Y/N."

He's never spoken to me in this tone, it sounds like he's grieving, it sounds like he's actually becoming better at speaking to people.

"Y/N you still there? You went quiet..."

My voice was shaky, I had to hold in a few tears before answering," Yeah Dad, I'm here... So why did you call?"

"Is this a bad time?"

I look at the door, I heard the show roar in the background," No- no it's not a bad time."

Yes, it was probably dumb of me to rather talk to my dad than actually go to see one of Tom's biggest days, but just remembering how Uncle Dom was with his children, made me really want that for myself.

"So uh- Dad, how are you."

There was a silence before he answered, "Uh, Y/N, I'm fine, what about you?"

"I'm great, Tom and I. His new premiere for his Spider-man movie is today!"

"Is it on now?"

"Uh-uh No, it hasn't started just yet, but Dad why are you calling?" It felt weird being so informal to Dad.

"Taking about Tom, I'm glad that you met him, he seems good-" he went quiet again. "-he seems to be like you said, not like I was."

"Dad, that's not important right now," I sigh.

"Yeah, I guess..."

He was really quiet until he took a deep breath," I want us to meet."


"I know I was a shitty father, but some things have changed. And I really need to make up for it. Can you be in London next week Sunday?"

"I don't know Dad, I'll have to check what's happening-"

"-please Y/N, I need to see you before..." he went quiet.

"Before what Dad?"

"That's not important Y/N," usually when he said that, he'd scold me with a furious voice, but right now there's nothing but remorse in his voice. I'd lie if I'd say this didn't touch me, the first time he'd ever talk to me, like his real daughter.

"Fine, I'll see you next week Dad, and if it's really that important to you, I'll be there by Thursday... Tom won't be coming with, but Mum will." I spoke with a bit of authority as if I make my choices and he abides by them.

"Bye Honey, I lo-" he cut himself off.

"Bye Dad."

I switch my phone off and left the bathroom, when I got back to my seat, I saw the worry in Tom's eyes.

"Hey Tommy Boy, don't worry I'm running off again- it was just a call from my Aunty again..."

I saw his face light up, he threw his arm around me and watched the movie again.

"You know, I would just have come found again right?"

"Yeah yeah spidey, now watch- this was my favorite part while shooting."

A/N- Ooooooooof I just wrote THAT! Not gonna lie, it was quite good! The beginning felt bland but the convo with her dad!!!! DAMnnnnn, btw I have bad news, this is the second last chapter...

After this chapter, I'll be posting 2 more, the 31st chapter and the epilogue. I had the idea to put in another chapter of how I was thinking of ending the book way back in the beginning- but I'll post that in due time. For those who didn't see the pic in the previous chapter, it glitched out somehow, but I put it as the pic in the beginning, and also GUYS 1.8k reads!!! WE WERE JUST CELEBRATING 1K... I really do hope you guys are enjoying this book! I loved writing it and reading all your reactions, but I got to go!

Have a blessed day, bye~

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