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11 May 2016


On Set


After 45 minutes of waiting he was finally finished with everything. The artist left the room. He turned his chair around to face me. A worried look appeared on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" I question.

"This might come out of nowhere, but Love I was thinking about it... Are you afraid to make this relationship public, is that why you keep shooting me down in TV interviews," he asks?

"Tommy it's... It's not like that. I'm just scared."

"Y/N, what are you scared about? We can face it together..."

"But it's just that... I don't want to get you involved."

"Bu- but why?" This seemed to upset him, I know he was just doing his best as an actor to fool me, but I can see the hurt in his eyes...

"Ok fine-" his reaction changed when I said this, he was hanging on my words..." It's, it's just your career, what if I screw it up..."

He stands up and hunches before me. He takes my hands and looks deeply into my eyes, "Y/N, you can never screw my career up."

"What if the studios have a problem with you dating me..."

"Why would they?"

I pull my hands away and cover my face with them, "Because I'm not Zendaya, I'm not Laura, I'm not Dove Cameron... I'm just me, plain old me... I'm not famous Tom!"

"You don't need to be famous, I don't want you to feel you have to!"

"But Tommy..." Tears start forming and my voice becomes croaky.

He takes my hand away and again rests them in his, when I looked up I saw Tom crying.

"You dumb idiot... You just got your makeup done."

"You know this is the thing I've wanted to hear since I met you," he giggles.

"Tom, that just sounded like you've wanted me to say I don't want to be famous..."

"I know but you did say that you wanted to be you, that's who I want... I don't want Zendaya. I don't want Laura. I don't want Dove Cameron, I want you!"

"Ok, what if we make it public together, on our social media..."

"And have 65.5m followers come at me on Instagram...?"

"What about Ellen- or even Jimmy Fallon Show?"

"Give me time, let me think about it." 

He lifts himself off of the ground and pulls me into a hug. He wraps his arms around my neck, protecting me from anything and everything. "Thank you for telling me, darling..."

Our hug is abrupted by Tom's phone which starts ringing. I wipe away some of my tears as Tom answers his phone. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, I look at it and it says Aunty G... what happened do you think Ali is ok... I place the phone near my ear, my breathing won't calm down, I can't calm down.

"Hey Aunty G, is everything ok?"

A voice brought me to tears once I heard it.

"Sup dumbass... It's been a while."

"Is that really you?"

I hear them crying on the other side of the phone.

"Yes it's me, I'm safe now..."

A Simple Smile ( Tom Holland X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now