516 14 6

11 May 2016


On Set


Tom was pulled aside by the director crew while I went to set up the trailer and get everything ready for the movie star. When I opened the trailer I noticed it was filled with balloons like feel better and a few wilted flowers. I really don't hope that this caused any trouble for Tommy...

I cleaned a bit up and put the flowers I could save into buckets I could find around the trailer. The balloons I just stuffed into the closet. You know if I can't see it, it would be like it never existed. I finish up and take out a notepad that has Tom's entire schedule on it.

As far as I am aware, there was no planned meeting between the entire director and his crew. It is actually time that Tom should head to hair and makeup. I'll just go and see if the lost sheep is busy.

I wander into the filming studio. As I walked through the long hallways I noticed Robert standing at the end of the hallway. I jog closer to him. He had a bright smile on his face when he looked up and noticed me.

"Y/N! I am glad to see you are feeling better..." I interrupt him.

I avoid eye contact as I remembered that I still haven't apologized for the other night, "Robert, I- I'm very sorry for the way I acted, I pulled you into some pent-up anxiety."

He put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him and gave a fake tiny smile, "Hey kid, don't worry what other people think. Don't let anyone who has done nothing tell you how to do something." 

I don't think he knows how deep those words really hit.

"Thanks, Iron Man."

"No problem kid, now chin up, you got someone waiting on you, don't you?" 

I nod my head and walk away, turning one last time around and thanking him for his kind words. Where could Tom be? I check in the staff room, but he wasn't there. I hear a commotion of laughter coming from around the corner. When I came around that corner, it felt like joy and hatred hit me once in the face. Tom and Jacob try and lighten the mood with a couple of jokes while Zendaya's death stare at Laura is deadly, as she is trying to get in between her and Tom the whole time.

Zendaya was the first to notice me, "Eyy, Y/N you are finally back!"

Tom was especially affectionate around me when Laura was looking, he took me by my hand and pulled me into a hug he whispered into my ear, "Laura is making me mad uncomfortable..."

I kissed him on his cheek before pulling away, I looked at them and thanked them, "Jacob, Z thanks for keeping him busy while I got his daily schedule ready for today!"

Laura groaned.

"I'm sorry did you say something, Laura? I guess not, my mum and dad taught me it isn't right to mumble." I teased.

"Y/N, I'm so glad you are feeling better! I was so worried when you ran off..." Jacob sympathizes.

"Jacob, I'm really sorry for worrying you. I just had to get some fresh air." I explain.

Tom and I excuse ourselves from them as I rush him to hair and makeup.

I wish I wasn't such a clutz but as I hurried down the halls my foot slipped on some wet floor and I fell down.

Tom pulled me up as I pulled away in a bit of pain. I probably just stepped wrong and hurt my foot or ankle. Tom looked at me with a look of concern and smiled, "With you how would we ever get to Hair on time!"

"Oh shut up, I will be fine, I just gotta walk it off as I go."

"No can do! Jump up on my back, I'll give you a piggyback all the way there."

I go to his back and jump up. I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me by my thighs.

"Any higher and I'll wack you Thomas," I giggle.

As both of us just giggle down the hall, I go silent. I rest my head on his back.

"Hey, Y/N... Are you ok?" He questions.

"Tommy, why do you like me?" 

"Hey Love where is this coming from?"

"Oh... It's nothing ignore it..."

"Well, you have the question, wrong darling. You asked me why do I like you? But you should have asked why do I love you."

"I guess, but ignore it now, it isn't important."

"The way your eyes shine when you look at something you like. The way you giggle an extra second longer if you are flustered. The way you always cuddle even closer when there are thunderstorms outside. The only way to calm you when you have nightmares is to play with your hair. You cared about what your father even thought after you ran away as if you'd think you owe him something. The way you'd take a risk even if it would hurt you in the end, as long as they are happy. The way you are slowly tearing up now. I think you have it wrong Y/N, I don't love just something specific of you, I love you entirely from head to toe."

"You dummy." I press my face into his back and just lay like until we get to hair and makeup.

He helps me to my feet and escorts me inside the room by hand. It's the way he just looks at me while doing hair and makeup.


After 45 minutes of waiting he was finally finished with everything. The artist left the room. He turned his chair around to face me. A worried look appeared on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" I question.

"This might come out of nowhere, but Love I was thinking about it... Are you afraid to make this relationship public, is that why you keep shooting me down in TV interviews," he asks?

A/N- this is a really cute chapter, in my opinion, the entire piggyback thing is adorable, and Y/N stepping up against Laura, I fricken love this so much!!! Thank you guys for everything!! If you liked this part, would you please vote... But anyways I hope you guys have an awesome week, love ya~

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