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7 May 2016


In the Street


Red and blue lights come rushing down the streets, as a deafening siren followed.

The ambulance stops close to the scene, I remain kneeled down in front of my friend's lifeless body. The kind paramedic comes closer, helping me up. I look deeply into her eyes, her caring, soft eyes. I mumble," Please help Ali- Please help Ali- Please help Ali." 

This single phrase I repeated a few times, every time a stream of tears fell down my face.

The second paramedic tries to stabilize her, doing all sorts of medical things. The first paramedic fetched the stretcher and laid Ali, gently, upon the stretcher. Another ambulance accompanied by a few police cars arrived, they were busy checking up on the truck driver and getting a few statements from him.

After that one of the officers tried to talk to me, he tried to get a statement from me.

The first paramedic noticed how the officer tried to pressure me with my answers. She walked over and affirmed, "Sorry officer, but I think that the questioning would have to wait, this young woman is clearly in a state, so I'd like it if you'd rather carry this on at the hospital after we help her."

I looked left from where I was standing, I noticed the truck driver looking at me, I could have sworn that he smirked. I didn't pay much mind to it, I followed the paramedic's request and joined Ali in her ambulance.

It was even louder in there than the siren outside. The two paramedics called out all types of strange words. My fears were dimmed when one of them told the other one, "She's stable for now." For now, is Ali ok, is she going to live?


"Your friend is in very bad shape, she's lost a lot of blood, both of her legs are broken, and a few of her ribs. She is in serious shape!" The doctor exclaimed.

I nod a few times, all that my brain could think about is my Best Friend, I need her.

The doctor rushes back into the ICU, but one of the paramedics approached me, She seems to be a lot older for her appearance leads on "Hi love, you also took a few bruises, but at least nothing serious. Take this, it's a blanket, the last thing we can have happening is you getting sick now isn't it. I noticed you don't have your phone on you, is there anybody you'd like to message or call."

"My... Mom..." I mutter.

She hands me her phone, I start dialing the number, and it starts ringing. When she answers, I start sobbing.

"Mama, something happened..." I start crying, I tell her everything, from the interview with GQ to the accident.

She consoles me, she consoles her daughter.

After a long conversation over the phone, I finally hung up. I don't feel entirely happier, but also not sad anymore.

"Anybody else?" The paramedic asks.

I look down, starting to dial Tom's number, I ring it, but immediately hang up. The thought that I left him in such a state, it's a bit too much along with the accident today.

"Uh, no ma'am..." I give her a fake smile.

"Call me Lydia, Lydia Marcell," She affirms.

"Well, ok then, thank you, Lydia," I giggle, forcing it out a bit.

Lydia looks down at her phone, I don't know what she's doing but she quickly shook it off.

Lydia left and I got comfortable, as the doctor said something about surgery before, so clearly, this is going to be a while. I take a seat on one of the larger waiting sofas. I wrap myself in a small cacoon with the blanket, and finally, I curl up into a small ball.

I doze off...


I am woken up by a gentle shake and a faint whisper, "Y/N, hey Y/N."

I open my eyes slowly, noticing Tom and also Robert and his Wife Susan standing behind him.

I lose eye contact with Tom looking down at the cold hard tiles. 

His words are soft, "Hey Y/N, don't worry I'm not here to be mad or anything, I just want to make sure you are ok."

These are the words that I wanted to hear, not from just any doctor that was trying to do his job and be empathetic. I make eye contact with Tom again, I throw the blanket to the side, wrapping my arms around his neck, starting to sob in his shoulder.

"Let it out Baba," Tom said caringly

I started to cry like a little child making a fuss about his favorite toy being broken. Yelling a few times.

"I am sorry..." I mumble.

"Hey, you don't have to be sorry about anything, if this fricken thick head didn't save my number as Loser, or even that Bitch that pulled the wrong strings, believe me, she knows her place." Zendaya comes around the corner, carrying a few sweets and crisps with her. 

She smiled, "What I thought you would be hungry."

I look back at Tom, staring deep into his brown eyes. His words echo through my hurt, "I'm sorry Y/N, I don't want to lose you, I love you!"

"I love you more Tommy," I mutter

A/N: Heya, so I'm sorry that I basically posted last weeks ago, I've been so busy with school, and I may be failing math... So that's fun, what do you think of the chapter??

If you liked it, would you make my day by voting and maybe following! I hope you enjoyed, bye~

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