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10 May 2016


At Home


"Hey Y/N, are you ok? You seemed a bit shaky when we got home..." Tom asks.

"Oh... uh... yeah, it's been a while since I saw him. Honestly, Tommy... I felt so proud after that entire thing. I killed my own demons. But now I don't know if I did the right thing." I debate.

"Hey, hey, hey! Firstly you did everything and said everything that had been needed to be said. Why dwell on the past if you can focus on the future, our future!" Tom proclaims.

Holly joined us after her afternoon slumber and jumped up against my leg, at least someone is in good mood today...

"Hey, at least I'm not out like her." I point towards the couch, mum is taking an afternoon nap.

"Ok, but what were you planning on cooking for dinner...?" I question, my stomach clearly taking control.

"Well, honestly- I thought we could maybe make some cottage pie!" He brags.

"Damn, that's a good idea!" I profess hungrily. 

Although I do most of the work, Tom does here and there, but mostly he just messes around.

"Thomas Stanley Holland! Wait until the food is done!" I vent jokingly as he keeps eating the beef or the grated cheese with a teaspoon.

"Caught red-handed aren't I?" He looks at me licking off the spoon and then biting onto it. The spoon is left dangling from his mouth.

He creeps closer with mischievous eyes. He lifts his hands and starts ticketing me.

"Thomas- Stop- Stop- Please Stop!" I giggle hysterically. I try and resist but it was futile, my only option left was to plop to the floor.

"Shh, you're gonna wake your mother!" Tom chuckles.

Tom pulls me up from the floor but pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps them around my waist. I whisper into his ear," I love you, Thomas."

Five words that send me sky-high, "I love you more Y/N..."

Mama's POV:

I wake up to loud screaming. I stood up, looking for the source of the noise. When I notice the two lovebirds embracing in the kitchen. She really is happy here Paul. Happier than she'd ever been in London. 

I walk closer two them. "Sorry to break up this sweet scene but what is this delicious aroma?" I investigate.

Tom immediately breaks away from the hug, trying to act formal, like a 16-year-old who just held hands for the first time. 

"Oh... uh... Ma'am, we decided to cook some Cottage pie." Tom affirms soldier-like.

I look at Y/N she is struggling to hold in a laugh. I broke the ice by chuckling - Y/N took this as a sign of permission and burst out in laughter.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Tom questions Y/N.

"No no no, Thomas. You did nothing! But please call me Aunt Sammy." I giggle.

After Y/N caught her breath and Tom calmed down his burst of redness. Y/N announced," We can't let the food get cold can we? Dig in!"

And so the night went on, Tom walking on eggshells around me, and Y/N trying to help him after he says something stupid. But this is lovely. This feels like home!

11 May 2016


At Home


"Come on Tommy, get up. You can't sleep all morning, can you! We have to get to set," I assist.

But Tom wasn't having any of it. He just mumbled a few words," 5 more minutes..." 

Ok, I'll give you that five minutes, but when I get out of the bathroom you better be up, when you're up can you please grab me some cereal.

He barely moves, just points a thumbs up from the bed. Ughh what a baby! I take out his clothes for today, A tight-fitting black t-shirt and some white sweatpants, paired with some black sneakers. He can decide on the jewelry. I grab one of Tom's oversized grey hoodies and some white shorts and I also pair it with one of my white sneakers. I enter the bathroom. The shower was refreshing, a real wake-up. I get dressed. I put my hair in a messy bun and exit the bathroom.

He really outdid himself, the bed was made, Holly was given food and I also had a bowl of cereal waiting on my bedside table. The downstairs bathroom was closed and a shower could be heard splashing away. 

I plop and relax on the bed, eating away at the cereal. I check my phone and see a message that I only dreamed for:

Aunty G:


Y/N, you won't believe it!  They say that Ali is in the best 

condition she's been since the accident. They are predicting

she'll wake up in the next few days! Our prayers are being answered!


I'll keep you, updated love! xoxo





She's coming home. Stay safe, love ya Aunty G :)


I place my phone on the bedside table and gobble down the rest of the cereal. The downstairs bathroom door opens. Steps as soft as mice creep up the steps.

Tom looks at me with awe, he tries to whisper but he fails incredibly, "Baby, you look amazing!"

"Hey, I'm not even dressed up, no make-up, no jewelry no nothing!" I snort.

"You never needed any of it! Ok but question, what chain should I wear with this?" he asks.

"Shut up... Maybe a black chain, oh and remember a warm jacket, it was forecasted heavy rains for today." I tell him.

Things have been so much better since the fight, it seems like our relationship became stronger!

A/N I know I know, nothing plot changing happens in this part, I just really wanted to show how they've grown. Oh and if my style of clothes is bad, please help... The next chapter is a bit more at set than it's probably moving day + furniture shopping. For those who are wondering, they made the downstairs office into a temporary bedroom for Aunt Sammy. A bit of plan that I'm having are things like going back to London to get a few things and I feel it's unfair to only let Tom meet Y/N parents, why not Y/N Tom's parents...

Again, I really wanted to show in this chapter that these two have been working on their relationship, building on the foundations that are there and fixing where needed. I've been missing a bit of cute Tom moments. Anyways, have a great day bye~

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