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5 May 2016


The Set


I look down at the camera, this photo, not only does it symbolize love but also freedom. I've been held captive in my own fears for too long. But this photo shows the bit of happiness that I can produce.

As I sit in the trailer doing some paperwork, I noticed a note near the mirror that we took a photo of, I grab the note as it reads:

Hey Y/N:

Just a quick reminder, you are beautiful

and whatever is bothering you, you are stronger 

than it...

Tom xoxo

These few words gave me more than enough courage to call my mother, even though I haven't spoken to her in days. But what if she despises me... No Y/N, Tom believes in you, Mama believes in you, I believe in you.

I pick up my phone, dialing her number, just when I entered the final number, a knock came from the door. "It's open!" I yell. The door opens as a Zendaya and a lost Laura tailing after you. I don't recall really meeting Laura before this. Zendaya had a few Starbucks drinks in hand as Laura came in with a tiny present.

"Ok so I know we were here earlier, but then Tom had everything to himself!" She winks jokingly at me.

"Z even you know it's not like..." I look at her confused as a lost Laura comes out behind her. 

"I don't think I've met you before?" I look at her confused.

"Definitely a first, wow I can definitely see what Tom sees in you!" She says mockingly, I honestly can't really stand her. 

"Oh, by the way, it was no biggy, but I got you a little something!" She giggles, handing it to me.

"Oh, thanks that weren't necessary, but thank you!" I smile it off.

I open it up seeing a new mug as it reads, Spidey's admin... I hate it. "Aw thank you, I love it!" I enthuse sarcastically.

"I knew you'd love it, when I saw it in the shops, I thought of you immediately," she blabs.

"But, you didn't even know me?" I ask confused.

"Oh, isn't that how all of us know you, Spide..." She was cut off by an elbow in the stomach. Zendaya stopped her in her tracks.

"Well, I should probably get going shouldn't I?" Laura questions.

"Yeah, you over-" I cut myself off, as I knew she still has a higher status than me here on set.

As Laura exited, the air became free of- No Y/N, which is still very low, but what isn't low is googling a mug with a vulture on it and it reading just a villain's daughter that was technically a nobody and was only "famous" in the movie because I dated the lead. I was sad when I realized my criteria were a bit too specific.

I shrug it off, as I decide to tell Z about my mother's message, I guess in a way she understood my nervousness, she looked me in my eyes and told me with a soft voice," Best, don't worry I got your back, you can call her and I'll be here for support." I hug her as I finally knew what was waiting for me, what I've been stalling for, what I never wanted to do again, but Mama it's time...

I pick up my phone and look at the previously dialed number and start ringing.


The phone connected as I heard a familiar voice on the other side.

"Hey baba, how are you." Although I've been such a disgrace of a daughter, she'd still act as if I was right there.

"Mama..." I try and mumble, my hand, my voice, my heart, all shaking. I started balling my eyes out.

"It's ok baba." I hear the same tone she used when I was little, the days I couldn't stay strong, the days I broke down.

"Mama, I left you." I cry.

"Baba, it's ok," she repeats.

"Mommy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I left you, but I'm mostly sorry that I am actually enjoying it here, I feel so guilty," I yearn for Mama's acceptance.

"Baba, you are ok, and that's all that counts..." It sounded as if my mother started to cry on the other side of the phone.

Z noticed that I was incapable of talking so she took my phone and put the call on speaker. 

"Mama this is Zendaya, she knows everything, so it's ok, I trust her as much as Ali." 

"Hi Zendaya, I'm glad Y/N had met such a great friend over there!" She enthuses.

"Ma'am, I'm am so sorry to cut this mother-daughter reunion short, but she's been sick worrying, what did you mean with you are leaving her dad?" Zendaya questions.

"Well, you see, I've thought long and hard and noticed that no man should be able to chase away your life and get away with it... So I'll make him regret the choices he's made, by leaving him in the dust." She states.

"Will you be living with Grandmama?" I ask.

"I don't know yet, I haven't even told your father, but I really just need to leave," she affirms.

"Well, come live with us-"I blurted out.

"Are you sure baba?" She asks.

"Yeah we have a spare bedroom, we'll just do some renovating..." I suggest.

"That sounds lovely!" She enthuses.

"But mom, can you wait until the end of this month, we have a bit of a break then, we'll come to London and help you move..." I am interrupted by a door that opened, Tom came in, but as soon as he saw my weary face he rushed over, threw his water bottle down, and kneeled in front of me. 

Laura followed and asked, "If it's the mug im-" she is interrupted by a storming Z, shoving Laura out, accompanying her.

"Hey, Y/N. It's ok, let it out, I don't know what's wrong, but don't keep it in, let it out!" He rests his head on mine as tears started pouring down my cheek. I let it go, all the pent-up anger, angst and hurt, I let it go.

Just before putting the phone down, Mama listened to all this and whispered, "It's clear to me, you've got your very own spidey. I'm so happy."

We remained in that position until I was completely empty, I looked up at Tom and jokingly asked him with a sheepish smile," Am I really just Spidey's admin?"

A/N: OMW, I think I've had a bit of writer's block because I haven't written this much in a while!! But yeah, Mama is joining the party in a few chapters. Tom and Y/N really have a stronger bond than ever. And I am still worried about finals... K bye~

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