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9 August 2016


At Set


Months of filming have gone by in a second. Times like when Tom chased me around the set, us pranking each other, but also us falling for each other. Sadly, all of that comes to a stop today. The final scene is almost undergoing, honestly, if it wasn't for Ali this wouldn't be possible, I wouldn't have started working for Tom, becoming his number 1 each day.

"Hey Love, you can't be daydreaming... You're going to fall-" Tom tried to warn me.

Unfortunately, it was in vain. I was daydreaming as we were walking to the last set when I stumbled over a bucket in the middle of the path. When I lost my balance Tom caught me by my arm, pulling me closer to him.

"Darling, you could've gotten hurt," he laughs

"Mhmm, I don't know, I got my spiderman with me."

His cheeks became rosy and he avoided eye contact, but with his tiny smirk, I could see he enjoyed that one.

In this final part, Peter is supposed to walk into his room to find a package. This package is from Tony Stark, he left Peter his suit. When he tries it on, the camera is supposed to pan over to Aunt May, Marisa Tomei, seeing Peter fully dressed in the spidey suit, after that it cuts before her reaction is fully recorded.

Everybody was in place and all Jon had to do was yell Action, everybody was here. Even people whose last day has been weeks ago. All of them have joined to finally see their project end.


I sat on Tom's actor's chair that was off to the side, watching how he ended a masterpiece, I looked down at the script in my hand. Tom did it perfectly.

Peter: Aunt May, did you do dinner already?

[Peter enters his apartment and throws his keys on a table. He stops when he finds a brown paper bag that says "This belongs to you. -TS" sitting on his bed. Taking out his earphones, Peter calls out:]

Peter: May?

[No answer. Peter gets into his Spider-Man suit, then pulls off the mask. Reveal May standing in the doorway behind him.]

May: What the fu...?

Marisa came behind Tom and finished the movie with 3 simple words.

"CUT!" Everybody started clapping hands and a few were crying. The crew hurdled into a circle.

Tom looked around, seeing I didn't want to involve myself in that hurdle, he ran over to me. Still in the spidey suit and picked me up and twirled me in the air.

I kissed his cheek, and laughed at him," You did it baba, I'm proud of you!"

"Hey! Y/n/n, we did it together!" He put me down and held my face as he kissed me. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was a memorable one. The last kiss on set.

"Hey, you two get a room!" Zendaya yelled from behind.

"Oh, I do have a trailer," Tom mocks Z.

She immediately regretted her words, she went red with embarrassment. 

The rest of the evening the crew just hung out together, those that had to leave- left. They shared funny stories about what happened on set as well as everything behind it. It's strange, but I wonder why Laura wasn't here?

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