644 18 6

6 May 2016


On the way Home


"Ok so Y/N, tell me your secret?" Ali asked with curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how did you end up, dating your celebrity crush from middle school... What should I start believing in meeting Chris Evans?"

"Oh-" I start laughing, "I actually forgot about that. Honestly, it's all because of you! If you didn't get me this job, I'd honestly still be laying on my bed watching Tik Tok."

"Ok, but do you think Tom can hook me up with Chris-" Ali teases.

"I honestly have no idea! But don't get any ideas yourself." I laugh at her.


On the way home from the airport, Ali and I stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee, after that we headed home. I guide her all the way towards our apartment. Unlocking the door, and leading her in. She puts some of her stuff down as I head up the stairs to the room real quick.

"I'll be right back, I just gotta get an outfit for Tom, GQ is coming over for an interview."

I look back at Ali from the balcony to see what she is doing, she looks like a lost puppy.

I ignore her for now, heading towards the cupboard, I take out a tighter fitting yellow shirt with checkered pants and a pair of brown shoes, this is what Tom is wearing for GQ. I also grab one of his larger white t-shirts, one of my jean shorts, and my white sneakers for me, I head into the bathroom to change into the new outfit, putting my hair up into a braided ponytail. 

When I come out of the bathroom, I hear my phone buzzing. I walk closer and see that Tom sent me a message, it read:

Spidey boy:

Hey love, you really missed out on really cool scenes today!

But I really want you to meet a few new people, so I invited a few

of them tomorrow. Ali is definitely invited! Oh and I miss you...

I smile as I read this text, damn I wish I'd been there when I just sent a quick message back:


Hey Baby, Definity having a small party tomorrow! Damn I miss

my spiderman so much, but I have your outfit for tonight's interview

all planned out, I may quickly stop at set to just bring you 

something to eat.

I google a few of the locations of the apartments that Ali and I were going to check out. I grab Ali and Holly on a leash and we head down to the car, we climb in and head towards the first apartment as it is closer to us than the set, but after this, I'll have to make a stop at the set as it is closer than our final two locations. 

The first apartment was nice and everything but it just didn't scream "home" and without that, I didn't know what I'd do. It had an entirely open plan, and also a massive bathroom and kitchen. But I don't think this one is for us.

I stop at Mcdonalds grabbing Tom's favorite meal and something for Ali and me. Ali looks at me and laughs," Hey girl, you know Tom is an actor?"

"Yeah so?"

"Why don't you ask him if he'd rather move into a house than an apartment, don't you think that would be easier?"

"I didn't think of that, I'll ask him when we get there."


When we finally arrived, I stopped at the trailer and left Holly and Ali inside while I quickly run into the set to give Tom his food. While I was mid-thought I bumped into a man, I almost messed everything, but I caught it with a little help from the man. I look up at him making eye contact noticing that it is non-other than Robert Downey Junior.

"I- uh- I am so sorry..." I try and mumble, damn I am actually getting better at talking to these celebrities.

"Oh it's my fault, I should have looked where I was going! I am sorry, seeing that you were running and the food, you are clearly in a hurry, make haste." He smirks with his cliche Iron man smile, but I pay no mind to it as I had to get this food to Tom, I run to where today's scene is being shot and look for Tom, I spot him in the crowd of crew near Jon, as Jon was giving advice on the next scene. I jog towards Tom poking him from behind mocking him in the worst Tom Holland expression I can do, "I hope it's Larby enough..."

Tom turns around giving me a smile that sent butterflies all the way down my throat. 

"Oh- uh- Tom... Food..." I hand him the food. As he took the food he put it on a table nearby and came back picking me up and smiling at me.

"Hi my flustered baby, I missed you..." Tom mocks.

"I missed you too..." I mumble, although I was trying to hide a small smile, my actions were in vain. As I made eye contact with him while he picked me up, I smiled in coy. 

Tom excuses himself from the group of the crew for a little time away with me, he carries the food as he and I walk all the way towards his trailer, hand-in-hand. I open the door with a very excited Holly to meet us and an exhausted Ali on the couch asleep, I look at Tom and whisper, "She's probably jet-lagged."

I grab Holly by her leash and the three of us walk to a small table under a tree near the studio. We start eating our Mcdonalds as I look at Tom asking him questionably, "Do you think we can look for a house, rather than an apartment?" 

"Yes!" Tom enthuses.

"But on one condition, I want to come with you when looking at this house, I checked and I get off of work at 1 tomorrow and the party only starts at 6 o'clock, so I want to help you look for our house. No, wait, our home!"

A/N: Hey everyone! Omw we are almost at 600 reads, that's so crazy, like 2 or 3 chapters ago we were celebrating 500 and now we are 600, damnnnnn thank you so so so much. I really hope you guys like our jet-lagged bestie, she's gonna help you grow in these 5 days in big ways... But anyways I hope you guys and gals have a wonderful day! bye~

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