Ok so if some of you watch the RWBY series I've added the creatures of grimm and the weapons jus not sailem but here is what buttercups weapon
Myrtenaster is standard-sized sworad and primarily silver-gray in color but will be black this time . The hilt possesses four prongs that encase the revolver-like chamber around the ricasso . This mechanism can be controlled by the sword-hand, enabling her to seamlessly cycle the chamber in combat.When buttercup carries the weapon on her hip it is sometimes seen with only two prongs as the other two fold away for easier storage.There are six slots in total, each of which contains a vial of Dust. The revolving chamber is constantly stocked with red, cyan, violet, white, yellow and blue Dust.
Sometimes, when buttercup uses Dust, the blade glows in the color of the Dust she is using now
I'm going to explain what dust is I should have earlier but I had a new idea mid writing so deal with it Dust. By definition, it is a naturally occurring energy propellant that can be triggered by the Aura of Humans or monsters .so fire, water, energy etc now let's get back to the story
Tiny feet ran through the grass as a little girl pushed herself through the forest. The trees around her towered over her and blocked most of the sun's rays. She dashed through the brush, crawled beneath bushes, and leapt over logs. The little girl ran all the way to the river and spotted a large boulder where she crouched behind, using the shadows to hide herself. Her tiny heart pounded frantically as she covered her mouth, trying to muffle her pants. Sweat trickled down her face. She stayed very still for a long time before glancing around the boulder to see that she had lost her pursuer. The girl sighed, relieved.
She had escaped.
"I found you!," the girl screamed when she was suddenly scooped up and held by her waist, kicking.
Buttercup! Put me down! Let me go," she whined. Buttercup laughed, walking down the way the little girl had came. The girl struggled against her 19 year old cousin as she whistled, carrying her like a bundle of firewood.Ten years had passed since her life was changed forever. The fire had destroyed everything she owned and her parents, once loving and nurturing, became charred husks.All she had to her name were two mysterious items she didn't even know her parents owned. One was a beautiful, ornate folded fan with made up of a cherry wood handle and painted to depict a silver dragon flying through a storm of roses with a strange inscription painted on the folds.
The second was a Myrtenaster The blade was the most strange thing as it was Another untranslated inscription was etched on the base of the sword. Many men were awed by the craftsmanship and tried to take it, but Buttercup would pitch a bigger fit than anything the villagers would ever see before they would give up.
Leaving the girl alone she learned from her uncle how to use the sword and unlock a special ability only to her family Glyphs, allowing her to create glyphs that can be used in a variety of ways: create a slippery platform to skate on at high speed, generate midair platforms to manipulate her trajectory in the air and perform limited time dilation that can speed up actions and stand in areas where regularpeople cannot like on the sides of trees and walls , to name a few.
After the strange circumstances that caused her to be present when the villagers came to collect Himeko's remains (plus the fact that Himeko was alive), many of the villagers became suspicious of her. Her parents had been found dead, along with their three servants, the dragon had apparently eaten his fill (according to Himeko), and she had been drenched in blood.

ppgzxrrbz dragons Maiden
Fanfictionin this story the ppgz and rrbz live in the times of queens and kings but with a twist butch is a dragon and buttercup is his cursed Maiden and she has her own special ability passed down from her family along with her weapon but the dragons have a...