magical promises

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Buttercup sat there frustrated it was much later in the day an no word from Amelia, she had learned a few spells such as a healing arte , a few elemental arts but they were just beginner, sure that memory spell worked but with her being inexperience it did little help I made understanding the book easy, and memorizing certain magic circles but as for everything else well, she thought of learning a little bit of everything but that was getting her nowhere "what if I focus on a really powerful arte and magic circle ". She thought to herself then she would do some damage she rubbed her temples as a headache was starting to form ,this would be so much easier if she knew butch was coming she sighed again but not out of frustration or anger but this one was because......she missed him weather it'll take her a million years to admit it she had fallen for him whether she liked it or not "I'm just like my mother". She muttered, "that you are ". A new voice rang causing her to jump it was a man with black hair and yellow eyes he was muscular an looked like he was in his late 30's she turned sliding the book under her pillow as the man looked around the room "and who might you be "? He turned with a scowl ", I am your future father-in-law stupid girl".  She wanted to vomit at the thought.

"My son wants you to join us for dinner to get ready, this is not a request". With that he left the room leaving her she sighed "I really miss butch". She closed the book putting it away "I'm sure lord butch greatfull to hear that my lady ". She turned an her eyes lit up "Amelia"? She nodded holding her side "m-my apologies for arriving so late it seems I have ran into some trouble". She huffed out collapsing in one knee , holding her side which was bleeding buttercup went to get a towel and warm water and she had Amelia sit on the chair "i-ill be fine there's no nee-". "Hush ". She commanded, "you will let me pach this up and heal you that's an order ". Amelia was taken by surprise but only smiled as she nodded "of course my lady". Buttercup did just that she cleaned and patched up the wound and her hands lit up a light green as her eyes glowed shocking the shapeshifter "my lady how long did it take you to memorize this spell"? Buttercup looked up "while you were gone?" -The girl was taken back- she was only gone for a day an a half !"my lady how many spells did you learn exactly"? She thought for a second "well this healing arte for one id figure it would help the most an I learned one arte for each element so that's 6 (fire ,water,earth,wind,light,dark) and a few magic circles and the memory spell ".

"She did all that in one day?!"  Amelia thought to herself"my lady could you show me exactly which spells you learned "? She nodded as she grabbed the book showing her , radiant Genesis , severing winds, Phoenix fire , tectonic vision , earths will , demons decend, "my lady these are all very powerful spells that take a sorceress YEARS to master ". Buttercup looked at her shocked "I-I thought they were beginner spells ".  The girl shook her head with a small giggle "it would seem you read the book backwards my lady". She offered a smile ^.^  buttercup blushed a flaming red feeling embarrassed "w-what"?! She nodded and flipped the book over that revealed a magic crest "this is the front ".

How could she miss that?! Buttercup felt embarrassed "either way it's impressive I would say keep practicing also his lordship wanted me to give you this ". It was a scale black and dark green a bit Ridgid she smiled as her fingers rant across the scale "this is Butch's he's coming". She thought with a small smile then she turned "what took you so long anyway"? She sighed "master butch gave me a side mission to retrieve your sword and fan I located it but I was careless hence the wound my apologies lady I wanted to give you both , I know how much those items mean to you ". She grabbed her hands with a smile "don't be sorry if it weren't for you this would be a lot difficult thank you for everything you have done". The girl was brought to tears never in her life serving lord butch has any one of his wives thanked her for anything, much less protecting them ."you are by far the best lady our house could ask for , I-I know lord butch can be a bit of a brute , and yes every female in the castle wished to rip his scales out for how he courted you —buttercup laughed — but please never give up on him he truly loves you since the day you helped him in that forest till now he waited for you ". She smiled an nodded"I promise I'm not going anywhere, now go find my sword and hide it come back here when you do so I'll explain everything ". She nodded and left as buttercup got ready for this "dinner" as for it would be his last.

Meanwhile 5 dragons were soring through the sky they had been flying for a day now  they were tired but rest wasn't an option each of them were fueled with something, hate and revenge hate that his wife was stolen, hate that his wife was injured, hate that his empress and child were put into danger , hate that she felt so weak and helpless, revenge for their friend , revenge for his wife , revenge for his kingdom they were gonna rip him limb from limb burn his castle and people to the ground the very race would go extinct that was a promise.

I know this was kinda short but hope you guys enjoyed 🌹

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Boomer demi human form 💙


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