breach in the barrier

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Hey, give that back!"

"No way, I wanna see it!"

"Blisd, that isn't yours."

"But Big Sister, Lady Bell was hogging it!"

"Well, it's mine! Now hand it over before I bite your tail!"

"Moooooou..." Bliss handed Bell the mirror she had been looking into when Bliss had stolen it. Buttercup was still on bedrest, but had been pleasantly surprised when Butch came and announced that, once Bubbles let her out of bed, she wouldn't be confined to the room.

"I had reacted a bit hastily. Let's just agree to not repeat the incident, okay?" But, until then, Buttercup was confined to the bed. Bubbles chuckled from the other side while she played a game of Go* with Blossom. The dragon empress sighed.

"Black, don't be naughty. My, it's like Butch's punishment for her is mostly affecting us." She rolled her eyes humorlessly.

"Oh, Blossom, don't be so sour," in the short time they'd known each other, Buttercup and Blossom's had become almost like the best of friends. It was already to the point where they bickered endlessly. Buttercup smiled as Bliss bothered Bell by pulling on her dress until the white dragoness snapped lightly at her. "You're not young forever, you know. I'm going to miss the days when she's like this."

"Oh, don't worry. You'll get fifty more years to have her like this." Buttercup nodded, then froze as she processed Bubbles' words.

"Ummm... Fifty years? She'll be sixty by then." They looked at her before Blossom groaned.

I suppose it's right to assume that Butch didn't explain how dragons age?"

"I assumed it was like everything else, but I get the distinct feeling that I am wrong." Bell giggled.

"Well, ten years by a human's standard is the equivalent to one dragon year. So, in dragon years, Black is ten. In human years, she is one hundred years old." Buttercup stared at the youngest dragoness in shock. She nodded happily.

"Wait... Then how old are all of-"

"In dragon years? I'm twenty-two. In human years, I am two hundred and twenty years old." Bell flicked her hair, "And we're all still considered young." Blossom sighed.

"It's not polite to ask, but I am two hundred and fifty in human years."

"And I'm actually eighty-five." Buttercup stared at Bubbles, who seriously looked no older than fifteen.

"Okay, those two I get, but... Bubbles, I thought you were human."

"I am."

"Then how!?" The blonde girl's face broke into a bright red shade while Bell snickered.

"Ummmm... Well... I... "

"I'll tell you. It's because -MMPH!" Blossom, cheeks flaming, had pounced on Bell and covered her mouth. She looked at Buttercup while the white dragon struggled against her, muffled protests filling the room.

"This conversation took a scandalous turn. Let's change the subject."


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