The Change of Tides

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He sat on the cool, marble floor, swept with salt. Some of it was from the sea, the place of his birth...beautiful, but dark. Sometimes cool, but also chilling. The rest was there because of all the tears shed in this very home. Some were tears of joy, some of fear, and the rest pain. All needed in their time, but only a select few were welcomed. He stared morosely at the small, wooden ship that floated teathered to the arching walkway, that rose from the tides in his cave lair.

It was a small ship, probably a child's favorite toy. Within it, a lone candle burned, ever present.

Boomer stared at it, eyes dark from painful memories and loss. A pair of feet clacked against the floors and suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his. "Boomer," a soft voice whispered. Bubbles laid her cheek against his arm, staring at the boat with eyes similar to his.

"...It will be time again soon..."


"...Do you you still hear him?"

"Every night before I sleep...every morning when I wake...with every breath I take, I hear and feel him still."

"...There was nothing you could have done..."

"You say this, but-"

"It's not your fault," he snapped. The growl in his tone reverberated against the dripping walls. He let out a sigh, hot steam exiting his mouth as his body instinctually heated up from his concealed anger. Not at Bubbles, never her..."...she's at fault...once this issue with Butch and Buttercup subsides and the threat of an invasion is over...I'll approach Brick-"


"-and request to go to war with her kind."

"Boomer, that won't..." He turned from Bubbles and stalked away. Bubbles watched sadly as he disappeared into the nearest corridor, carved from sea stone and corral. She looked back to the boat, tears brimming her eyes. "...that will not ease our pain..."

Blare waited at the entrance to his mountain home, howling winds roaring as they blew. His massive form was unmoving, grey and bulky like a stone. Against the whitening mountain range, he looked like another boulder. Bell was tucked away, where he liked her, snuggled in their warm bed as she dreamt of jewels and battle. At any other given morning, he would be beside her, arms wrapped around her as he slumbered on until his body demanded food.

But not today.

As he stared over the dark horizon, stars steadily disappearing into the light, he snorted. He could smell the rotting flesh here, could taste their putrid breath. Soon, his darling Ella would sense them to and rise to confront them.

Thankfully, the dull creatures had not breached the barrier again. The mirror was fully repaired and its power pulsed through the air. He only hoped it stayed that way, if only to give them more time to prepare.

"It's rare for you to call me to your territory on such short notice," Blare didn't turn to face Butch as he landed. The Cave dragon simply stared ahead as Butch lumbered over to sit beside him, his deep black scales were a stark contrast to the territory that was already winter. He peered at Blare, who still didn't move. "What has you so riled up that you'd invite me to your territory? The last time I came, you threatened to snap off my horns."

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