the stables

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Buttercup wandered the halls, bored out of her skull. Butch had been gone for three days on "business", that she was not privy to.

"It's not anything for you to worry about, just a delivery is due to arrive soon and I want to check it as soon as possible," Butch said as he readied a small bag.

"But you're taking Bliss, so why can't I come?"

"Bliss's not injured-"

"I'm almost fully healed!"

Butch continued as if she hadn't spoken "-plus I promised her that she could come with me long before you came here. I promise to explain more when I get home," the tall dragon gave her a light kiss on the cheek(despite her flushed protests) and hurried out where the overly excited dragoness was waiting.

And the two still were not back. Whatever that delivery was, it was so important that Buttercup wasn't told what Butch was expecting. So, the girl had resigned herself to wandering about the palace and, avoiding the North corridor, familiarizing herself with the servants.

As it turned out, Butch has a plethora of servants employed under him. Some of which were humans, but many were yokai. Already, Buttercup had met kitsune, tengu, yuki onnas, Kappa, and so many others. They worked in the shadows, guarding the palace and tending the grounds. Once she introduced herself, many began to welcome her.

The next day, Buttercup found that the castle was bustling with life as the servants stopped hiding and began approaching her. The hallways ceased being so quiet and she didn't feel nearly as alone. One of the maids, a girl named Miyuki, even offered to help her dress earlier that morning.

Buttercup declined.

Now, if only she could find something to do.

"Ahhhh! I'm going to die of boredom if I don't do some-"


"...thing?" Buttercup looked down the West corridor and blinked.



I... better check that out...She thought as she hurried down the hall. It quickly turned into an outside walkway and Buttercup vaguely realized that she was passing by a field. She blinked, staring in surprise.

Were those... horses?

In fact, there were several horses out in the field, strong and beautiful as they grazed happily on the grass and hay. She saw a few with dapper coats and one looked like it was made of pure gold.


Aaaaand we're moving... Buttercup hurried over to where the shouts were the loudest, the stables. It was here that she immediately saw what was the problem.

"Of course," Tar was the problem. The slimy ink creature had decided to wreak havoc on the stablehands as she antagonized what horses were there, as well as stole their caretakers' supplies. Once the stablehands had decided enough was enough, Tar began to mess with them by stealing all the brushes and keeping them out of reach while dropping horse shoes from the wooden beam she had perched herself on.

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