a bad feeling

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Hey guys I know I know I haven't been updating like I said I was my life is just a ....well a little crazy at the moment so I write when ever I can on top of that i had writers block but i hope you guys enjoy.

No one's pov.
The next few days it was surprisingly quite peaceful buttercup woke up to see butch gone she felt a bit sad but she would never admit it she got up washed her face and got dressed put her sword in her side and grabbed her fan an left the tent to see everyone gathered in the middle brick,boomer, Blair and Butch standing in front of everyone.

Brick: we've learned the the basilisk are indeed being created we don't know how , however they pose a serious threat that needs to be dealt with immediately ".

Boomer: we've learned that the leader and Creator of the basilisk goes by the name akuma ".

Blair: you all have two goals each an every one of you have already been rewarded and your families are all being taken care of those of you who make it back alive WILL get more rewards after this is over and for the unfortunate souls who do not make it back I guarantee that your families will be taken care of ".

Butch: your two goals, kill as many basilisk on the front line,your second find akuma and let us know immediately once u do.

They assumed teams to various parts of their territories and they set off they were soaring through the sky when buttercup spoke up.

Buttercup: where are we going?

Butch: I'm taking you where blossom and the others are ".

She nodded and it was a quiet flight neither of the two knew what to say to each other buttercup still being mad and hurt about the brute situation and Butch feeling horrible about saying it to her so he decided to give her a bit of space
Which she appreciated but it was times like these where he wishes things were different butch landed in front of a castle it was hight in the mountains where the air was much thinner so the basilisk could not reach it or so they thought .

A few hours went buy and Butch had to leave he did a perimeter check and headed back the the base as the girls caught up and tried to relax and keep blossoms mind off the war at hand .

Back at the base the dragon's were under attack brick,boomer, Blair and Butch were in their Dagon forms fighting basilisk left and right Butch let out a huff of green fire

Blair: I don't know how long we can keep this up brick we need a plan"!

Brick: I'm well aware of that!

Boomer: alright in getting tired of this!

Boomer was trying to fend off 6 basilisk one had him by the tail making him roar in anger as lightning began to rain from the sky killing multiple basilisk including the ones surrounding them letting the boys get a breather and try to burn the corpses a few hours went buy and things finally calmed down the sun was starting to set everyone was battered and brused ,hungry and exhausted but the job wasn't done they continued to burn the basilisk now life less bodies when suddenly a figure appeared in the sky he had red hair and yellow eyes and a sickening smile as he looked at the Emperor and the kings under him the dragon's narrowed their eyes at him

Brick: Akuma ....what's the reason for all of this why are you creating these monsters

He said as if there were venom on his tongue as akuma smile grew wider as he chuckled

Akuma:I simply want to see you all fall, fail miserably, and i want to Eradicate the tenoji clan .

Butch: how do you know my wife ?!

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