the mysterious shrine

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When she woke up the next day, things were eerily quiet. She didn't hear the pitter patter of feet walking down the corridor. There were no howling winds to signify the immenant arrival of winter. She heard no chatter of maids or singing of gardners.

The silence that once permeated this place had returned.

Buttercup sat up and sighed. She had tossed and turned all night, restless in her dreams. She dreamt that she was running frantically, trying to get away from...or go to someone.

She dreamt of fiery breath and earth shattering howls of rage.

She dreamt of a lonely man standing just out of her reach, crying out to her.

She dreamt of darkness and flame and chill and light.

She dreamt of horror and happiness.

Buttercup dreamt of Butch.

He must still be angry...she thought, standing up on the chilly ground. It seemed that the ambience of the palace often reflected that of its master. She looked down, noticing that she hadn't changed out of the clothes that she wore before. The exhaustion she had felt as soon as she stepped over the threshold of her room was like a boulder on her shoulders.

At least I don't have to change, Buttercup thought. What a childish thought, she mused immediately after, Rose would laugh at me.

Speaking of childish, where was Bliss? She had been gone for a week and the young dragoness usually wailed if she didn't see her for more than an hour. She half expected the little thing to be snuggled up on her side with her goopy slime cat resting upon her head.

Buttercup walked towards the door, the eerie silence making it difficult to swallow. She had this irrational fear of being heard, like a predator was searching for her as she hid in the brush like a mouse. Her heart hammered in her chest, beating like a war drum. She reached a clammy hand out and gripped the door handle.

The door didn't budge.

She tugged and pulled with all her might, horror slowly creeping up on her as she screamed and pounded on the door to be let out.

She was locked in.

For days and nights, she sat alone in her room. Buttercup considered escaping via the window, but this proved to be an impossible thing without a dragon or rope present to catch her. She never realized how high this tower was. She could see the entire garden, now barren of leaves and flowers as the world prepared for snow.

Servants came and left with ease, dropping off food and bathing her when necessary. She couldn't leave though. Each time Buttercup took a step towards the door, she was nearly thrown back to her bed.

A low growl was heard throughout the palace and the servants would escape her room, afraid of incurring Butch's wrath before the door was harshly slammed and she was trapped again. "Butch," she spent hours screaming and pounding at the door, "let me out! Jerk!"

Finally, after God knows how long, he came to her room. She was sitting on the window sill, staring out at the moonlit sky. He had been avoiding this room for days, postponing the wedding until the last possible second.

The guests had all arrived.

The most of the feast was prepared.

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