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Buttercup sat there in disbelief "so you mean to tell me your dad started a war because he got rejected?!". Akuma rolled his eyes unamused at the comment "so what does this have to do with you"? His eyes haredend at her "because of your mom an your birth my father never looked at me , much less acknowledge me,  I was his son an he didn't give two fucks is I died or not , my mother was abused so she abused me I was treated like scum by all the maids so yes my father started a war because he was "rejected" because your mom couldn't suck it up like the rest of us , even you had to Mary someone you didn't want to either way you look at it you would have never been able to marry out of "love" . As if realization hit her he's right buttercup didn't marry butch out of love she was forced to ,an he threatened to burn down the village,which happened anyway but no matter how she looked at it if her mom did marry kazuya she still would be forced to marry she never did have a choice so it was true Akuma really did suffer for nothing, kind of born for no reason .

Hell if her mother would have married him none of this would have happened she'd have her whole family her cousins, uncles, aunts and most of all ....her parents he aunt wouldn't have died by kazuyas hand sure she'd be heartbroken for a while but she'd probably still be alive with the rest of her family it's not like she would have had freedom regardless of the situation so why? Buttercup found herself torn because at the same time she also would have never met butch , Bliss and the other dragons , she would have also never have met bubbles . In the end she did learn to care for butch and she does love him although she'll never admit it , at least not till she's ready , so if buttercup could learn to love ,could her mother have? Would they still  alive?  Would this war still have happened?

Akuma stared at her he could tell her mind was spinning for once he felt satisfied someone finally acknowledging the situation for what it was this is a world were it doesn't matter if your rich or poor , sick or in good health your always....trapped  a slave rather you realize it or not

"Look I'm sorry for what happened to you because of my mother's selfish decision — however I will not marry you".

He sighed once again a tennoji refusing to do as their told always trying to have their way it made him sick but in this matter she had no choice he laughed amused. "Did you really think you had a say so? A decision? Well you don't ". They stood face to face both glaring daggers "Rita". He called out as a woman in a maids outfit came she had purple hair and yellow eyes "yes master ".? She stood her head bowed slightly as she stood close by "escort her to her room , don't let anyone in , and prepare her for the ceremony in 3 days—he didn't take his eyes off her for a second — and if you try to leave I'll kill all of them and I'll start with the shadow dragon ". He hissed as he walked away she balled her fists "I need to find my sword " she thought to herself.

She was brought to her room were her dinner sat even though she didn't want to eat she had to she needed as much strength as possible she didn't know what was gonna happen all she knew is one thing "I'm gonna kill him". A few hours went by and a girl came in she had the maid uniform on but something was different about her , she didn't know what she had long black hair and silver eyes  "you....do I know you"? The girl got on one knee an placed her arm over her chest "lady buttercup I am Amelia nijiima as for your question no this would be our first meeting face to face I am masters butch commanding officer I followed you after you disappeared". She felt her heart ache hearing his name "i-is butch here as well"? She stood up having a natural expression "unfortunately no my lady he doesn't know I came i barley managed to track you down once that light appeared, this I had to time to tell my lordship ".

She looked disappointed not being able to see him " how ever I am at your command I've seen you train , and you took down a basilisk, that is something even I , have not managed to do by myself just tell me what it is you need me to do". Buttercup was about to say something until she realized what if this is a test "how can I trust you"?she looked shocked for a moment"p-pardon"? She narrowed your eyes "how do I know your not one of Akuma maids trying to truck me or set me up". The woman seemed a bit takes back but remembered who wife she was talking to of course she wouldn't believe her off the bat she pulled out her commanding officer emblem an showed it to her "hmm that's.....not enough.....".  Buttercup grabbed a note and scribbled something onto it " if you can get this to butch by tonight an be here before the sun rises tomorrow then I'll believe you plus only butch can understand what this means ". The girl nodded as she headed to the window in a puff of smoke she was a raven she grabbed the note and took off into the sky buttercup could only hope .

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