A day of game

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Quick note. This chapter is going to be 80% fluff because 20% of it is spent talking about a creepy pedophile who you will hate in this story, but he is vital to this story for drama reasons. If you're still not comfortable with that, let me help you out. When you see the phrase "The villagers would duck their heads..." Skip to the line divider. After that is exclusive Butch and Buttercup bonding. Other than that, continue.

The next day, she had enough. Buttercup was not meant to lay in bed and sleep all day. She needed to move and she will move even if Bubbles comes back and ties her down afterward. Buttercup gingerly wrapped up her still raw wounds and got dressed. She picked up her sword and left for breakfast. And was met with mixed reactions.

"For the love of-! Buttercup, go back to bed."

"Yay! Big Sister is feeling better! We can play again, right?"

"No. One, you have lessons and you are not getting out of them this time. Two, Buttercup. Bed. Now."

"I thought you wanted to wait until after the wedding," she cheered mentally when Butch's face erupted in a bright red.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Buttercup grinned evilly before sitting down. "BUTTERCUP."






Stop being childish and go to bed."

"I've been in bed and now I need to move or risk going insane."

"I thought I drove you insane."

"You do, don't worry. Besides, me walking is not gonna kill me."

"It almost did two days ago."

"I think that was more because I jumped out the window-"

"YOU WHAT!?" Butch couldn't take much more of this. His heart was already pounding. "When did that happen?!" He frantically thought back to that day, trying to pinpoint when this psychotic girl jumped out of her window and why he didn't notice this.

"It was while Blossom and Bell were trying to feed you your own horns." That explains it. He was a bit preoccupied then.

"Here's a crazy idea. Let's not jump out of windows while you're injured... In fact, let's not jump out of windows, period." Buttercup shrugged.

"I don't know, there may be another occasion that calls for me to launch myself out of the window. I mean, who am I to defy fate in that?"

"I can't take this. I think I need a drink."

"Butch, it's only morning."

If you're going to be planning on jumping out of windows all day, then I definitely need a drink." Bliss smiled as she watched Butch and Buttercup argue over her being out of bed and her apparent love of jumping out of windows. It was much lighter than before and she could see Buttercup struggling not to laugh at Butch as he threatened to chain her down in a windowless room if she didn't stop jumping out of windows.

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