the three

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BC- Last time on Green Maiden!

Butch - I gave you one rule! Just one! You've been here two whole days and you've already broken it!

Shhhhh, Butch. You hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness.


That is what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming, crashing, and then groaning in pain.

BC - And now back to Green Maiden.

For days, Buttercup floated in total darkness. No light shown anywhere and the black darkness was so thick, she couldn't even see her hands. It was also cold and quiet, much like Butch's palace.


He had come to save her, though, right? That creature would have devoured her if not for him. She remembered him fighting with it, viciously. Had he known it would be there or did he hear her screams and come for her once again? Buttercup didn't know what to think. This would be the second time Butch rescued her from a horrific fate.

"...Waking... Alright?"

"Blood...poison... You... Save..."

"Big... Wake...!"

Muffled voices echoed in her head, the first sounds she had heard in a long time. Try as she might, Buttercup couldn't force herself to wake up. It seems her body was not ready yet.

Four days had passed by the time Buttercup had woken up. Her eyelids were heavy and her throat felt like it was full of sand. She groaned, there was a dull ache in her side. The colors in the world were brighter and, it seemed, that the sounds were louder too. She turned her head to the side to see a dragon, twice the size of an ox, sleeping beside her bed. The dragon's scales were a shiny black and it was sleek, lacking horns or spikes of any kind. It snored softly.

Tar lay on top of its back, fast asleep.

Grunting, Buttercup tried to sit up, but hissed when the pain in her side worsened. The dragon was suddenly wide awake and upon her, "Big Sister, you're awake! You need to lay down!"

Buttercup blinked, "B... Black?!" For some reason, Buttercup forgot that Black was, in fact, a dragon. Albeit, a young dragon, but that meant she could turn into a dragon form. The little dragoness was so happy that she had woken up that she promptly turned back into s human. Buttercup cringed as she watched her transform. If it was uncomfortable for Butch, it must be torture for Bliss. But she took it like a champ and was soon back at Buttercup's bedside, wailing about how she was so sorry.

"I'm sorry, Big Sister! I'll never be mean like that again! Please don't leave me again!" Buttercup stared at the girl as she sobbed. She hadn't meant to make her feel bad and it wasn't like Buttercup ran off because of Bliss anyway. Patting, the girl's head gently, Buttercup sighed.

"Bliss, it's okay, I'm fine. And it's not your fault, anyway. Butch and I... Had a disagreement, but don't worry. I'll be up and about in no time." Black sniffled.

"Oh...uhhh... About that..." It was then that Bliss told her that Butch had, more or less, confined her to this room. She had not been pleased.

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