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When Buttercup woke the next morning, her soul felt lighter. She felt like she could breath easier and her mind was clearer. Outside, the sun had broken through its cloudy cage and shone with glee over its freedom. The winds softly blew as damp leaves rustled clumsily on the ground.

She sat up, letting out a loud yawn as she stretched her stiff bones. Now that she had more light, Buttercup could see more of the room. It was very well kept, with a cherry oak dresser on one side, a matching vanity on the other. A loom with the tools and materials to make kimonos and yukatas sat beside the sliding door that led to a freshly trimmed garden.

Buttercup didn't think she'd really need to bother with it, since her needlework was so bad. Any dress she made looked more like a tattered apron.

Anyway, she also saw a small water basin for her hands, feet, and face as well as a small hand mirror and brush made out of pure silver.


"Lady Tennoji, I apologize if I have woken you, but breakfast will be ready soon," Maya's tentative voice called from behind the shoji door.

"Ah, that's right!" Buttercup felfell out of bed and fumbled for her clothes when Maya came in, a worried look on her face.

The deer centaur cocked her head to the side, "have you fallen out of bed?"

"Err...well..." Maya walked over, carrying what looked like a new dress on her back. Buttercup took it sheepishly. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure."

"By the way, when I came last night, you seemed tired. I wanted to apologize for waking you so late," the centaur smiled and shook her head.

"It was not an issue, Lady Tennoji. Her majesty was due to arrive this morning anyways. I would've woken up a few hours later either way."

"I hope Blossom lets you go to sleep early today. I'd hate for you to drop from exhaustion," Buttercup had seen servants who were worked to exhaustion before. They never lasted long.

"Her highness has taken good care of me since I was a fawn. She has already instructed me to go to bed early tonight to make up for the lack of rest. You needn't worry, milady."

"Just Buttercup is fine." Maya looked conflicted before nodding.

"Perhaps I can call you Lady Buttercup? It would be dishonorable otherwise."

"Fine," Buttercup liked Maya. She seemed like a very simple girl...centaur. Maya held out her hands.

"Please, allow me to help with your dress."

"Oh, there's no need to-"

"I insist."

"What is with everyone insisting in this place?" Needless to say, by the time Buttercup got to breakfast, it was ten past eight. Blossom gave her a blank look. "In my defense, Maya insisted."

"I see why, given the fact that you look like a girl."

"To think, the dragon empress has a sense of humor." Buttercup sat down and looked over the selection for breakfast. Unconsciously, she took note of the key differences in Butch's choice of food and Blossom's.

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