a day of festivities

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Buttercup woke up to find Bliss, giggling, while she hid underneath her covers. Buttercup huffed and shook her head with a smile. It seemed that, no matter the time of day, Bliss felt the need to cause trouble.


"Oh no. What did you do?" The dragoness poked her head from beneath the sheets. Tar poked her head out and snickered. "What did you two little trolls do?"

Adopting a sneaky grin, Bliss laughed. "You'll see, Big Sister." She shuffled beneath the covers again. A moment later, Butch stormed in and Buttercup laughed.

He was covered in inky black goop (courtesy of Tar) and chicken feathers. Butch hissed at her, but his appearance made it more humorous than dangerous. Buttercup laughed so hard, she felt tears streaming down her face. "Where is that little demon and her minion?"

"I... How... I can't... br... breathe!" The girl fell back on her bed as she laughed. Butch boiled, his face red.

"Bliss, I can smell you! Get out from Buttercup's sheets and face me, you little ogre!" Black poked her head out, grinning as Buttercup continued to laugh. She snickered as she avoided her brother's lunges. "I'm going to bite your tail off, you brat!"

"Next time, don't tell my tutors to give me extra lessons!"

"Maybe you should stop running off then!"

Bleh!" She stuck out her tongue, "see you later, Chicken ! Hahaha!" She ran out of the room, Tar on her heels, while Buttercup's laughter echoed. Butch huffed as he struggled to wipe the slime off. Buttercup finally caught her breath. The irate dragon looked over at her.

She looked much better than she did almost a week ago. Color was returning to her face and she could eat heavier foods. She had lost so much blood, Butch was afraid he'd lose her. He shuddered as he remembered.

The creature was dead, finally. The fight had lasted five minutes tops, but to Butch, it felt like an eternity. He had rushed off after Buttercup once Bliss had said she was in the same area as this beast. He feared it would be too late.Butch could already see her crumbled on the ground, a look of horror frozen on her face, as her heart lay still. No, he had thought frantically, not again... I can't lose my wife like this... not again... But fate decided to pardon him that agony and he heard her scream.

Most basilisk victims didn't survive long enough to scream. Hope filled him and he ran through the woods, only to see her laying down with blood pouring from her left side. The basilisk had stood over her, it's disgusting mouth opened to engulf her. Without a thought, he had rushed in and, rage consuming him when he saw how injured and weak she was, Butch battled the basilisk in fury.

Now, it lay dead beneath his claws, as he trumpeted a roar into the raining skies. Butch quickly set the corpse on fire. If he didn't do that immediately, it would decay into the ground and poison it

"Big Brother!" Bliss? She knows she's supposed to wait in the palace when a basilisk is sighted.

He glared at her, but stopped once he saw her kneeling next to an unconscious Buttercup. Her sword lay a few feet from her, but he paid it no heed as he quickly changed back to a human and rushed over to her. Now that he got a better look at her wounds, Butch felt his heart shatter.Three long claw marks had torn into her side, ripping the skin very deep she healed her self best as possible but Blood poured out from the wounds like water. He wanted to scream and wail, she'd never survive this.

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