trial by fire

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"mom what's all that loud noise "? A 9 year old girl with back hair that went to her shoulders and big green eyes asked her mom"oh its nothing sweetie just a storm but it will pass". "Lets go sweetie cmon let's go in the room away from the windows".  The mother took her  into her room "mom can you sing me a song "? The girl asked "buttercup that's a wonderful idea ". She said tucking her in bed   ".Where the north wind meets the sea......
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found
In her waters, deep and true
Lay the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned ".   "Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows? The mother got up and stroke her daughters hair. Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found.... the mother looked down to see her daughter peacefully asleep   soon her husband came in laying his weapon down "hi honey".  ".hi my love". He kissed her softly and sighed "the grim sre gettingworse but me and some of the men were able to get a strong gate up wheres buttercup"? "Asleep in her room".  He smiled he was a hunter and his wife was a huntress an they were one of the best .

Then the next day  tragedy struck in the most horrific of ways. Buttercup had been playing in the kitchen with her new ball when the doors flew open and men dressed in black swarmed in, stabbing and slashing at all who moved with their swords and daggers before the two hunters could react . Buttercup screamed, eyes widened in horror at all the blood that covered the walls and floors...and her. Her parents were dragged out and savagely beaten before one of the men spoke. "Which of you is Tennoji Haruto?" Her father coughing up blood before sitting up  glaring at him.
"I am. Whatever your quarrel is with me is, I ask you leave my wife and child out of it. They are no part in our business," the men laughed evilly.

I am not so callous to kill these two girls with my sword. No, my sword only accepts the blood of men. and we have no quarrel. My lord, however, does and has demanded that you are killed."

"For what reason?" Buttercup's mother began to sob, trying desperately to crawl to Buttercup, who was snatched up and held away. Buttercup began to scream and kick.

"Simple. King tanaka was dishonored when you stole his betrothed and fled to this village. He has demanded that you and your wife pay for this insult with your lives," at the sound of the man's master, her mother began to cry even harder. "He is not so bitter, though, to kill your daughter. No...he will spare her and raise her as his ward. When she is sixteen, she shall take her mother's place."

"NO!" Her mother was slapped and Buttercup cried out.
"MOTHER!" In horror, Buttercup watched as the men tied her parents down and began to set their home on fire. She was carried, screeching and biting as she tried to run back to them. To save them and get away from these monsters. But Buttercup was only seven years old. She had no strength of her own.
As the flames grew higher and higher that autumn night, she watched her home burn and listened to the screams of her mother and father. Tears slid down her face as she felt a numbing coldness. She could only cry as she was carried further and further into the dark woods. These woods had once offered numerous opportunities for adventure and intrigue.

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