chamber of the empress

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  The Night Before

Buttercup laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her mind swirled like a furious tsunami, churning her stomach and crushing her heart. The clouds boomed with uncontained thunder as she reflected on what that kitsune had said. Don't be stupid, she thought, kitsunes are tricksters. They rarely ever speak the truth, especially the vicious ones. It's just like one to lie to a bride to be about her groom. But, though her mind said it, her heart didn't believe it.

She and Butch different in so many ways. Butch lived a life she couldn't even begin to comprehend. On the surface, it was similar to the world of humans. He was a king, he was powerful and wealthy, and he was a general. He knew politics and war tactics, he knew how to be a host, how to make friends, how to make enemies, and how to live.

But he also lived in the world of dragons, who looked at slaughter of one's siblings like news of a harvest, who kidnapped and stole whatever and whomever he wishes for his horde and home.

She remembered the story passed down through her village of how he would bathe the village in green flames and swallow entire families whole.

"Buttercup, my little jade bird, I want to tell you a tale. Every fifteen years, a dragon sails from far beyond the mountains, with scales as black as night and eyes as green as emeralds. His flames burn harsher than the sun and his teeth are larger than an odachi sword. His claws have killed more men than war and his roar can be heard at the end of the world. We live on his land, as he reminds us each visit, and it is by his will that we still live peacefully. But once, it was not like this. For once, when the village was new, the first shogun to lead us heard of the dragon's enormous wealth and planned to drive him out so that it would be his.

He lead an army to his castle and stormed it, awaking the dragon from his deep slumber. Their swords were no match for his bloodthirsty rage and their armor burnt like bread thrown straight into his fire. He swallowed each whole while the shogun was mauled and left to bleed on the outskirts of our home. Later that night, the dragon descended upon us, enraged by the disrespect and torched our village to the ground, leaving one house for us to live. He ate our livestock and burnt our crops, he kidnapped children, and killed the men, and forced the women to flee.

He decreed that all who lived in this land would suffer the same fate and for years, we lived in terror. Until one of the shogun's descendants made a decision to appease the beast and confronted him when he arrived one night. He begged for forgiveness of his ancestor's foolish actions and the dragon, finally, allowed us peace. On one condition...we must always sacrifice a villager, no matter the age, sex, nor creed. No matter the wealth or health or importance of the one chosen. Once their name is selected, they must be sent to the dragon's alter to die by the dragon's maw."

That story haunted her every day since her parents' death and now she lived with the same man who had once condemned so many to death.

But that same man soon showed another side to him. A side more human than beast. He craved company and love and dutifully protected those under his wing. She barely remembered any neighboring shogun storming the village for taxes or women. Many walked the woods with little to no fear of bandits or ogres. He laughed loudly and bantered with her, teased her, and had begun charming her in a way that no other had ever done.

"You remind me a lot of her, actually. Spirited, boyish...I wonder how long you'll last before Butch decides he's done with you."

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