"Tattoo's and food"

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Taeyeon walked up to you who was eating toast while on your phone. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. "Um where's mines?" You raised your eyebrows and spoke. "Bitch do i look like your fucking maid?" Taeyeon smirked and savagely said, "no but you'd be perfectly fit for one."

you just rolled your eyes and continued eating. "Where's Skatie?" Skatie was a special one of tae's. She is a beautitul skateboard that Taeyeon got on her birthday when she was three- you know before her parents went crazy.

Ever since, she took skateboarding lessons and began successfully riding it at age 5. "In the garage." You said annoyed. Taeyeon grabbed her bookbag and yelled before running out the door. "Thanks unnie!!!" You rolled your eyes and walked to your room. You already finished school early so your smart einstein ass watches over the house while tae's anywhere.

Taeyeon let her skateboard fall onto the ground as she put one foot on the board and the other in movement. School was a little far from her house so she had time to enjoy the view. She'd always arrive at school thirty minutes early so she took half of her time to go to her favorite tattoo-convenience store. Yes, it was a convenience store but you can also get your tattoo's done there. Tae has gotten some tattoo's on her hands and arms if you ask.

She picked up her skateboard and walked inside the shop seeing her close friend, Miya.(if you know GWSN then you'll know Miya~) "hey daddy~" Taeyeon spoke with a wink. "Hey cutie~ let me guess, sun flower seeds?" Sunflower seeds were tae's fave.

"Let me guess, a dollar?" Tae said before slapping a crinkled one dollar bill on the counter. Miya grabbed the dollar and smushed it in the cashier before grabbing a pack of tae's favorite seeds of the rack. "You know, you don't have to pay for these right? They're litteraly free." Miya claimed. "But i need to waste money because i don't really need it."

Miya looked at tae like she was crazy because she sure was at the moment. "Bitch are you dumb?!" Miya yelled catching everyone's attention. "Money, is like your hygiene. You have to care for it and love it until you die with it." Miya explained while tae was in shock. She was kidding but she guessed Miya took it to heart.

"I was just playing calm down daddy." Miya never announced her sexual orientation to tae but once taeyeon met her, she thought the older was a total daddy. That's why she calls her that. "why." "Because you're a daddy"

little mrs flirtatious said. "Tae your schools starts in 10 minutes and you're over here being flirty again. Go." Miya had her finger pointed at the door. "Anything for you daddy~" Taeyeon swayed her ass back and forth as she left the shop.

Miya is hot 😎

-Kimi 🙂

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