"I have a bf"

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Jungsoo stepped inside the school as all eyes went on her. All the fangirls and boys began doing their jobs of course, being obsessed. Jungsoo walked to her locker and began opening it until she got interrupted by a deep voice. She rolled her eyes knowing who it was.

"Aye check it out it's my girl~" a tall handsome jock walked up to Jungsoo who didn't look at him. "What do you want, bogum." jessi said eyeing Bogum which made him raise a eyebrow at her. "i don't want your ugly ass" Bogum scoffed and this made her angry. "YOU WANNA GO?!" Jessi said beginning to take off her earrings. But Jungsoo stopped them before they could get into it.

"Bogum just stop and leave my friends alone!" Jungsoo yelled but it sooned turned into a whimper as Bogum harshly grabbed her chin pushing her to the lockers. "Do you know who the fuck you're talking too?" He spoke angrily but Jungsoo didn't make any eye contact with him. "Ayo let go of her!" Hyuna shouted. "STAY AWAY OR IT'S GOING TO GET WORSE" he threatened but did that scare the girls? Nope. Jessi pushed the male on the ground and Hyuna got on top of him holding a switchblade up to his neck.

His eyes widened now scared. "W-what the fuck are you doing with that?!" Bogum stuttered as Hyuna pushed it a little more into his neck making him groan. IU took out her phone and began recording. "G-guys stop we don't wanna get in trouble you're lucky no ones looking at us." Jungsoo cried out even thought she was secretly enjoying it.

Park Bogum is her so called "boyfriend" who she loved. Well she thought she loved him until she found out he's been cheating on her with other girls and sleeping with them. She kept giving him chances and chances until she had enough and broke up with him.

But Bogum wasn't happy about that because he knew if they broke up, his popularity will be gone. He doesn't do modeling or anything, he's just popular because Jungsoo gave him fame. He said he'd kill her family and her and Jeon Jungsoo didn't want that.

Hyuna chuckled and got off of Bogum before spitting on the boy. "THIS ISN'T OVER JEON!" Bogum yelled and ran off. As soon as he did,Jungsoo glared at her friends. "Now im probably going to come back to school with a black eye." She said which made the two very offended.

"Yah! At least we saved you from that dickwit!" Jessi yelled and Hyuna added on. "Besides, we've got your back girlie pop." Hyuna then threw her arm over Jungsoo shoulder and all of them began walking. Class didn't start for like ten minutes so they were okay. "I wonder why these girls are so obsessed with men these days, all they do is break your heart." Jess complained.

" ha, must be easy for that one lesbian girl." Hyuna said and pointed to Taeyeon who was talking to Jimin. Jungsoo looked her up and down and unknowingly smiled. Jungsoo didn't really cross paths with Taeyeon or know her but damn just looking at taeyeon made the girl felt some type of way. "I wonder what it's like to be a lesbian." Hyuna paused then gasped. "What if we were lesbians?!" "okay gurl now your going a little to far. You have a bf." Jessi said and nudged her shoulder. "i'd be fine with it." IU blurted making Hyuna and Jessi look at her in shock. "Wait, so you-" jess got cut off by IU's laughing.

"just kidding." The girls sighed in relief and looked at Jungsoo who was lost in Taeyeon. Jessi snapped her fingers in her face trying to get her attention. "Um hello? Jungsoo?" Jungsoo then shook her head coming back to reality.

"You're really into checking that girl out aren't ya? " Hyuna said as she smirked. "I wouldn't blame her. If i was a guy, i'd date her." Jessi said checking tae out but soon stopped once IU spoke. "did you three forget you have boyfriends?" "fuck him" Jungsoo instantly muttered.

"Calm down girl. A little coffee will set the mood." Jessi said and dragged Jungsoo down to the canteen with the other two following.


-Kimi 😚

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