"Lines can bend"

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Taeyeon took a deep breath before slowly opening the door seeing Jungsoo washing her hands. Taeyeon stepped inside which went noticed by Jungsoo who's eyes widened. "you?" She questioned. "yeah, hope I'm not ruining your privacy...". Jungsoo chuckled at my words. " you're fine" She said softly. "W-what's that on your arm?" Tae pointed to the girl's arm that had blood dripping down. "Oh, i just cut my arm on the sharp stall. It really hurts." Tae thought of something. "may i?" She said reaching for Jungsoo's arm. Jungsoo hesitantly raised her arm up and taeyeon gently took it putting it under cold water and wiping it with tissue. Meanwhile Jungsoo was blushing like crazy.


I bit my lip while staring at the ceiling trying to hide how red my face was. Her touch feels so nice and warm it's got my mind shifting to things.

"Kiss me, tae~"

"M-mmmm more faster~ i want your fingers deep inside me~"

Jungsoo came back to reality once she heard tae calling her name. "You okay? You kinda spaced out there." Jungsoo chuckled in embarrassment. "y-yeah..." She stuttered. Jungsoo looked at her arm and saw it was bandaged. "Thanks." She let out a small smile but tae just sighed. "This is weird." Jungsoo tilted her head in confusion.

"how?" Tae sighed again before speaking. "A gay nerd that everyone hates is helping out the school's most popular girl." The other scoffed as she got a little closer. "so? no one can see us so... we're fine. Jungsoo got more closer to tae with a smirk on her face making her blush and slowly back away. " you know, you're not pretty bad looking if i say so myself." Jungsoo ran a line slowly on taeyeon's face which sent shivers down her spine. "You like me?" She was staring into the others eyes waiting for her reaction. "I-i don't- i mean i do but e-everyone likes you right? Saying that, it made jungsoo chuckle.

"Yeah, but you know what i mean." Jungsoo leaned her face in to taeyeon's now both of their breath touching each others faces. They made extreme eye contact until Jungsoo finally placed her soft lips on the girl which made her heart pound. Taeyeon kissed back and both kissed passionately. But soon it turned into a hot make out as both hands were roaming each other and tongue sucking. Taeyeon groped the younger's ass causing her to moan and throw her head back. Just then they heard a loud voice.

"JUNGSOO! WHAT'S GOING ON IN THERE?!" Both panicked. "Hide in the stall!" Jungsoo whisper-yelled to tae who obeyed and quickly made her way to the stall. The door than busted opened revealing an angry Bogum. "WHERE IS SHE." he yelled kicking the first few stall's opened. Luckily tae hid in the last one which was a little far down. "w-where's who?" Jungsoo stuttered out worried he was going to find tae.

"THAT GAY BITCH TAEYEON!!! WHERE YOU WITH HER?!" Bogum walked closer to Jungsoo who was scared backing up to the wall. "N-no babe i swear-" he cut her off. "I SAW WALK OUT!" "BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHE CAME IN HERE!" Jungsoo finally yelled but bogum stayed quiet knowing she had a point.

He suddenly grabbed her face and made her look at him. "If i see you walking around with that whore, i'll rip your beautiful face off." He gave her one good hard slap. "That was for you existing."

Once Bogum walked out, Jungsoo got on the ground crying. Taeyeon bursted out the stall and bent down hugging Jungsoo. "Are you okay?" Tae asked as she gently rubbed Jungsoo's stinged cheek. Jungsoo looked at Tae while sobbing. "W-what d-did i do to him?! What did i do to d-deserve this?!" Taeyeon caressed jungsoo's back while whispering soft and sweet words in her ears to calm her down. "Is that your boyfriend?" Tae asked and Jungsoo slowly nodded wiping her tears.

"Does he abuse you?" Jungsoo went quiet. Taeyeon cupped Jungsoo's face and both looked at each other. "i know we just met and barely know each other but you can talk to me. I'm the type of person that'll listen to anything," Jungsoo let out a small smile and nodded.

Is sana gayyyyy?~

-Kimi the twice fan 😭

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