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The next day was the day before the basketball game that was being held at their school. The girls talked sometimes and made sure to hide what they are. Ever since the day Taeyeon's "bullies" tried to sell her, they stopped talking to her or even looked in her direction. She was actually happy because she'd never would want to go through that again. Before school, Taeyeon agreed to clean Jungsoo's cheer uniform and fix her pom poms While Jungsoo went to go do a quick photo shoot.

While tae walked in school, she couldn't help but continue to smell Jungsoo's uniform. Even though she washed it, it still smelled of her delicious strawberry vanilla scent. "Bitch can you stop being a creep before someone notices you?" Tae glared at Jimin. "NEVER." Jimin rolled her eyes thinking Taeyeon was such a weirdo. As they were putting their stuff in there locker, tae felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned seeing the love of her life Jungsoo standing there with her friends standing beside her. "Hey nerd, you got my stuff" tae almost laughed at Jungsoo's acting. It was good but tae just wanted to laugh. "here it is." Taeyeon handed Jungsoo her uniform and pom poms. Before leaving Jungsoo winked at tae who winked back but went unnoticed by the others. "JUNGSOO!" Jungsoo sighed seeing her boyfriend come right up to her. "Well girlie pop, we'll see you later!" Hyuna waved to Jungsoo who waved back and watched Hyuna drag the girls to their classroom.

"what class you got next?"

"Science." Taeyeon closed her locker and Jimin gasped.

"you know, Jungsoo's gonna be in there." She wiggled her eyebrows while smirking. "Oh yeah, i forgot."

"go get you some pussy gurl!" Jimin yelled before walking to her class. And that's when the bell rang. Taeyeon walked inside of Science and walked to her seat which was next to Jungsoo. She was so lucky. The teacher came in and began teaching while Taeyeon was paying attention. Meanwhile Jungsoo kept glancing at her unknowingly smiling. Bogum who sat behind her noticed and kicked Jungsoo's chair making her grunted and catch the teachers attention. "Mrs. Jeon, is their something wrong?" Jungsoo shook her head. "No ma'am." The teacher nodded and turned back to the board. For some reason, Jungsoo was eager to have Taeyeon. She was desperate for her and wanted attention. Jungsoo didn't care about work right now she just wanted taeyeon since they barely get to talk to each other or see one another. Jungsoo put her hand on Taeyeon's thigh making sure Bogum couldn't see it. Taeyeon turned to Jungsoo who had her eyes on the board.

Tae gently took the younger's hand off of her thigh who put it back on this time gripping it. Taeyeon frowned and tried taking her off again but Jungsoo's hand wouldn't budge. Tae didn't want Bogum to see this or Jungsoo would be in trouble so she whisper-yelled, "SOO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"What? I'm just rubbing your thigh" she casually whispered..

"what about your boyfriend?"


Tae could tell the bunny was getting angry she just caressed her hand.

After school

Jungsoo and her cheermates were practicing for hours since the game was tomorrow. "Leg has to be higher Sunhee." The girl raised her leg higher. "Good, now again. 5,6,7,8."

It was difficult being a cheer captain, but Jungsoo was positive. After 15 tries, the girls finally got it and did it a couple more times before break. "Good job, girls. See you here tomorrow at 8." The girls bowed to Jungsoo before leaving. As soon as they left she went into the locker and began changing out of her uniform since there was no one there. (Or as she thought so) as she took her shirt off a voice scared her.

"damn..." Jungsoo turned seeing Taeyeon leaning against the wall staring at Jungsoo's body. "Omg tae you scared me!" She yelled covering herself. "Why you gotta cover? You look beautiful." The younger blushed seeing the older slowly walk to her a smirk not leaving her face. "Taetae, what-" Taeyeon pushed the girl to the lockers causing her to squeak. She watched as the older licked her lips while checking her out. Jungsoo gulped seeing Taeyeon's dark orbs staring into her soul. Taeyeon slowly leaned in as Jungsoo closed her eyes but didn't feel anything but heard laughter. She opened her eyes seeing taeyeon laughing.

"w-why are you laughing?"

"you're face! You got so scared!" She laughed. "Don't worry bunny, I'm not going to do anything to you without your permission." Jungsoo frowned. She really did enjoyed it and wanted it but tae was just kidding. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home?" Tae chuckled. "Nah, i don't have anything to do since my roommate y/n has work." Jungsoo scrunched her eyebrows. "why do keep calling her your roommate?"

"she lives with me so we're roommates. But remember she doesn't like me. She finds ne annoying." Jungsoo chuckled. "You kinda are sometimes." Tae pouted. "Yah..." She kissed tae's pout and put on her clothes. "want me to take you home? Tae asked helping Jungsoo with her stuff. " no, it wouldn't be good since my boyfriend's coming to pick me up." Taeyeon rolled her eyes hearing Bogum. "Where is he at?" She asked. "Probably fucking some girl." Tae grunted. "That bitch..."

See ya in 2.5 billion years when this hits a hundred k.


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