"Coffee Shop"

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Taeyeon slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes adjusting to the light. She wanted to get up until she felt weight on her arms. She turned seeing Jiwon and Sooyoung sleeping on each side of her arm and Minji on top of her while all naked. She also looked down seeing hickey's and bite marks all over her. Flashbacks of earlier popped in her mind and mixed emotions built up in her.

"What the fuck happened?

" why did i have sex with my bullies? "

"Did i enjoy it?"

"This isn't right..."

"I thought they were straight"

"What about Jungsoo"

Yes, what about Jungsoo. Tae wanted to get her phone but it was on the night stand and she couldn't reach it. She sighed until her breath hitched hearing one of the girls waking up. Then Sooyoung's soft voice filled up the room. "Oh, good morning baby."


We all were putting our clothes back on after a little cuddle. I wasn't in my right mind. I just had empty thoughts until they were interrupted by Sooyoung.

"Now listen kim," she grabbed her chin making them face each other. "if you tell anyone about this, you'll be in hell. In school, you will only see us as your bullies but outside, your girlfriends. Understand?"


I tilted my head. Girlfriends? Is this woman fucking serious? I only dreamed of one woman being my girlfriend and that's Jungsoo, but ofc she's got herself a bf, who she hates. I looked over at my phone that was still on the table. "i'm waiting for my answer, kim." I didn't want to say yes. I didn't even want the same girls who made fun of me for being lesbian then had the audacity to have sex with that same girl, claim me as their gf. That some serious fucked up shit that i don't ever want. But who knows what could happen if i say no? Sooyoung knows my roommate y/n, and she know's jimin. Her, Jiwon and Minji could probably do something that put pain in me so my stupid ass said the wrong answer.

"Yes..." Sooyoung smirked and leaned in kissing my lips. I didn't kiss back not wanting anyones lips on mine other than Jungsoo's soft ones. She pulled away and spoke clearly and loudly to me. "this is our little secret kim, you can't ruin it or we ruin you." Sooyoung then walked out. Minji and Jiwon didn't forget to kiss me also and left. I sat there staring at the wall. Wow the wall is beautiful.... It makes me actually get into my thoughts. I stood up putting on my clothes and thinking of going to that coffee shop again.


I was walking on the street with my bf thinking about calling Taeyeon. Im never the one to call first for anyone but if it was Taeyeon i'd do it! "Get off your fucking phone." Bogum took the phone out of my hands which made me so angry but i kept it cool. I grunted once he put his arm around my shoulder tightly holding me as we walked into a coffee shop.

We took a seat and bogum spoke. "You're paying." I scoffed. Such a caring boyfriend. As he looked at the menu i looked around place. I wish my girls were here, But all of them had stuff to do sadly. As i was looking around i noticed a girl who looked really familiar talking to another. I realized it was taeyeon and my eyes widened. I never knew she went here.... Or maybe she's new. I wanted to go over there to her but she was talking to someone and if bogum noticed her he'd go crazy. "What are you staring at." Bogum said suspiciously. I turned to him and nervously smiled. "nothing," Soon the waiter came to take our order but i asked to use the restroom.


I was talking to y/n about things being careful not to mention what happened earlier.

"Finally my boss told me that i could leave and i did but he suddenly got mad all of a sudden." It felt like deja vu listening to y/n talk but of course me not listening as my eyes went on someone.... Jungsoo....

"i'll be right back unnie." Before she could speak i ran to the bathroom happily.

I stepped inside the bathroom and seeing Jungsoo. "Jungsoo?" I called and she turned to me smiling. "Hi tae." I hugged her and she hugged back. "Sorry i didn't call you, I was in my thoughts." I told her which she just shook her head smiling. "It's okay." I cleared my throat before speaking. "so um, i saw you with Bogum." Jungsoo sighed.

"He forced me to hang out with him and of course i didn't want too. He literally told me to pay and guess what? I didn't bring any money." I felt angry already because the fact that they're still together is stupid. " i want choke that man so hard." Jungsoo chuckled. "me too." She replied. Her eyes then landed on my lips and my eyes did the same to hers.

We slowly leaned in and kissed. It was soft and passionate which i loved. We could feel our hearts beating fast at the feeling. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled away to breathe and stared into each others eyes.

"I really want you taeyeon..." She spoke softly and I chuckled.

"I want you too Jungsoo but, we have to wait until it's the right time." She smiled at my words and hugged me and i kindly hugged back. Just then we heard banging on the door and it was bogum's annoying voice. "Hurry up Jungsoo, i already ordered our drinks." Jungsoo rolled her eyes and pulled away.

"i'll leave first then when i go back to sit down you can come and go back to your friend." She said pouting. "It's my roommate her name is Y/N." Her pout got bigger making me smile. "You don't like her right?", "i don't baby, i only like you." Jungsoo pecked my lips. "You better because soon i will claim you as my property." She said confidently and flipped her hair. I chuckled until the door banged louder. "JEON FUCKING JUNGSOO COME OUT NOW." Bogum yelled Jungsoo finally spoke. "IM COMING." We let go but before she left jungsoo grabbed me by the neck and pulled me into a rough hot kiss. She pulled away staring into my eyes catching her breath.

"Remember." And that was the last words before she disappeared. Taeyeon held her heart dramatically. "oh Jeon Jungsoo, how you warm my heart~" i went home with y/n while smiling like crazy.

The next day wasn't crazy though. All of them played their roles and it went kinda well. But after school...


Taeyeon was riding her skateboard home until her phone dinged. She looked at her phone and huffed seeing Sooyoung texting her. "meet me at my house. Address: XXXX"

Taeyeon just sighed and put her phone back in her pocket walking out. She knew it was wrong. It had to be stopped. But she never wanted to be with Sooyoung instead she was in love with Jungsoo.

I made a song once about a coffee shop. Wanna hear it? No 😁

-Kimi 😋

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