"It Was An Accident..."

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"deeper baby~" i was at a club letting some random slut suck me. This has been like the 30th girl I've had sex and slept with and i don't regret it. Since that bitch Jungsoo can't pleasure me then i have someone else do it so that why i go to a club to get satisfaction. I mean she's hot and has a hot body i can give her that, but she can't give me anything cause i feel like she's doing something with that Taeyeon. I just know somethings going on. I don't love Jungsoo or anything but I'm only with her for the fame. Once i become famous enough and have alot of money, i can finally break up with her.

i'd have to admit that i have stolen some money from her family since they're rich but their dumb asses didn't know. "Daddy, i gave you a blowjob now where's my money?" Bogum smirked and kicked the girl harshly to the floor causing her to wince. "You thought i really would give you money? Ha, no you broke bitch." Bogum left leaving the girl crying.

I sat outside smoking until it was time to go pick her up.

I hugged Jungsoo goodbye before her boyfriend pulled up. I snuck out the back and saw my beautiful Skatie sitting right there waiting for me to ride her. it was close to nighttime so i had to hurry back home before i get scolded by y/n unnie. As i was riding, the cold breeze hit me feeling so good. I held my arms out not caring and closed my eyes smiling. This felt so good~

until i realized that I'm probably about to run into a tree!

I quickly opened my eyes and screamed before crashing hard into a pole. I grunted holding my head as i fell onto the ground and my eyes getting heavy. Soon my vision went black....


I slowly opened my eyes and grunted feeling a headache pounding my head. "Finally you're awake you dumb nut." That voice was a voice i wanted to hear. I opened my eyes fully seeing Jimin sitting there with her arms crossed and a "I'm done" look on her face. I sat up and realized I'm on her bed. "Unnie? What happened?" I asked slowly trying to remember. "you fucking crashed into a pole and hit your head so hard." I then remembered and furrowed my eyebrows. "How'd you know? There was no one on the street" she scoffed. "Well you THOUGHT there was no one on the street. I came out from the gas station and saw the action right there. I was gonna call you but you passed out so i ran and dragged you all the way to my house." She explained. Wow, all that happened? "Where's Skatie?" Jimin pointed to door where Skatie was laying with dirt all over her. "and my phone?" Jimin took my phone out of her pocket and handed it to me. "im surprised you don't have a bump on your head." She said rubbing my head. I took her hand off and dialed a number calling y/n.

"Hello? Tae?"

"Unnie, where are you?"

"I'm spending the night at Jihyo's house if you don't mind... are you alright? You sound worried."

"N-no I'm fine i just ran into a pole on my way home."

"Are you okay?" Now you were worried.

"yeah yeah just continue what you were doing hmm?"

"okay, call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Yeah love you, have fun"

Taeyeon hung up and sighed. "Y/n?" Jimin asked. "Yeah." Jimin stood up and walked to her closet grabbing a water bottle for Taeyeon who took it and drunk it. "Tae, you need to be careful on those streets. Because who the fuck closes their eyes while riding a skateboard on a street?!" Tae chuckled. "Sorry unnie, i just wasn't in my right mind." She held my hand. "you're staying here tonight." I looked at her. "you're parents?"

"tae, when have my parents ever said no to you sleeping over?" She was right. Jimin's parents knew Taeyeon so much they would treat tae like their daughter also. "You're right." Jimin smiled and so did tae. "You know I'm always there for you tae, right?"

"right." They hugged. "Now, you go take your sexy gay ass in that shower while i clean your skateboard." Tae giggled and stood up taking some of Jimin's clothes walking into the bathroom. After a quick rinse, tae came out the shower seeing Jimin lay in the bed all comfortable in her cute pj's. Tae chuckled and spoke. "you cleaned Skatie?" She looked at the younger. "yeah, she's downstairs you can get her in the morning." Tae plopped on the bed and began applying her lotion on her legs filling the gap between the two soulmates. "so my soulmate, have you heard from Sooyoung and her bitchy friends Jiwon and Minji?" Jimin asked while watching tae. "Nope. They don't come to school anymore and alot of people are worried." She sat the lotion down and got over under the covers immediately throwing her body on Jimin hugging her like a koala.

"well that's beyond weird." Tae nodded. "Well, we should get some sleep for the game tomorrow. your boyfriends gonna be on that court shooting hoops while his sweaty dick is hanging out." Jimin giggled and playfully hit tae's arm. "Okay okay, we'll sleep. Love you tae, gn."

"good night Jimin." Jimin turned the light off and both cuddled themselves to sleep.

Buy me some Takis and I'll suck ya clit

-Kimi 💀

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