"Her eyes..."

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That night was horrible for the two. Jungsoo's parents beat her up because Bogum told them she was gay, and Tae got beat up by him for fucking with her.

Jungsoo didn't want to go to school today. she had so many bruises on her and her body was sore. Somi was sent upstairs when the incident happened, that's why she couldn't help Jungsoo. she was grounded and her life as a model, was gone. Her mom cancelled everything and she couldn't go back to it until her bruises cleared up but they just kept adding more. Jungsoo needed something to cover up but she didn't have anything so she asked her friends on her backup phone she had after her original phone was taken away. And of course they had her back.

"you ready?" Jessi asked Jungsoo before putting her hood up and the Sun shades on her. She slowly nodded and they walked into the school all eyes on her.

"wow, look at Jeon Jungsoo.."

"I've never seen that kinda fashion in my life."

"they say she got beat up by her boyfriend..."

"I heard her modeling days are over."

"damn, she doesn't look so hot anymore."

She just felt the urge to cry at that moment but managed to keep on walking till she got to her locker. "What I'm hearing doesn't sound good." Hyuna said and Jungsoo immediately spoke. "just fucking ignore them Hyuna." Hyuna was surprised from Jungsoo's reaction but she understood so she just went along with it.

I walked into the school my eyes immediately looking for a certain person. I wanted to apologize to her for putting her into this. Once i saw her i litteraly ran to her. "Jungsoo!" She turned to me and i was about to speak until a voice boomed. "Jungsoo..." Bogum was behind us and my heat broke at what she said. "W-why are you here?! Get the fuck away from me!" She pushed me hard enough for my butt to land on the floor. My teary eyes stared into hers as i slowly furrowed my eyebrows. She looked so angry but.... But her eyes.... They tell otherwise. Her eyes were screaming to me that she needed help, that she didn't want to do this. I understood everything and went along with it. "okay then, you wanted me so bad when we had fucking sex in the bathroom but you don't want me now. You know, now i hate women. They just fucking play with you like a toy and never regret it." I tried to make tears come out of my eyes. "fuck you Jeon Jungsoo." I stood up and i just wanted to hug her so bad seeing her reaction. Her eyes were widened and she was shocked at my words even though i didn't really mean any of it. I just really REALLY wish i could tell her that... Tears rushed of her eyes as what i saw before i walked away. I think i said to much... But i was acting, i fucking love Jungsoo so much and it hurts to see her like this.... Really bad....


i stood there shocked watching Taeyeon leave. "I DIDN'T REALLY MEAN IT! HE MADE ME SAY THIS TO YOU!" i wanted to scream but nothing came out. "Good job babe, you're finally obeying me." Bogum said and lifted my face up leaning in to kiss me but i didn't kiss back. His crusty ass pale lips wasn't better than Taeyeon's soft pink ones that looked like a box when they formed into a smile. "Let's get to class shall we?" Bogum held out his hand to me who looked at him like he was crazy but hesitantly took it. Wow he was so different today, but i don't give a fuck because i hate him.

While we were class i had my head down thinking off Tae's words. I cried silently knowing that she hated me. I didn't want to say it but if i didn't i'd get fucking beat up again but in front of everyone. At lunch, i didn't eat but cry. At cheer, i didn't do anything and just let the girls talk. At home, i received my daily pain from my fathers hands, legs, and that fucking extension cord. I didn't eat dinner and my own sister couldn't talk to me because my father prevented her from doing so. Wow, my life was great at one point but now it's a living hell. All because of having sex with another human... Was the fucking sex cursed or something?! I tried calling tae but she declined every time and it made me hurt and cry even more. How do i fix all of this? How do i make it stop?!

Yo, Kanye East called me and told me to stop messing with Kim. Bitch...


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