"Baby, I'm Jealous"

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Once i got inside i looked in the mirror before i washed my face with cold water. I closed my eyes loving the feeling. I suddenly stopped hearing lock. "Y/n unnie? Is that you?" I said and sat up wiping the water off then screamed seeing a intimidating Jungsoo behind me. "Aish, you scared me." I said holding my heart. "Hello Taeyeon." She said and pushed me to the wall. I looked her up and down. Damn, she looked hot in a red dress. Her curves showed and her big ass tits were popping out. I unknowingly licked my lips and she smiled. "Hungry?" Shit, she noticed me.

"that's tough because you're not getting none of me until you tell me WHO THE FUCK you walked through those doors with?" She said with a creepy smile which scared me a little. "i-it was my friend y/n, who lives with me remember?" She got closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Good, cause if it was someone else, you wouldn't be able to see them again..." I gulped trying to hide how scared i was.

Jungsoo's hand slowly traveled down Taeyeon's body as her breath got heavy. "no ones in here, so let's our kind of "fun" hmm?" Hearing this Taeyeon had some kind of feeling in her body that made her go crazy. She grabbed Jungsoo and switched their positions now Jungsoo on the wall. Taeyeon attacked her neck kissing and sucking it as Jungsoo let out moans and whimpers and her hand finding it's way getting tangled in the others hair. Tae then claimed her soft lips, the tension rising in the atmosphere. The olders hands traveled down to the youngers body squeezing her plump ass as she moaned loudly both hands roaming around each others bodies. "a-ahhh~" Jungsoo moaned in Taeyeon's ear as she squeezed her breasts.

Next thing they knew they're clothes were all over the floor. Taeyeon lifted Jungsoo on the counter and spread her legs wide getting on her knees. She kissed Jungsoo's pussy before licking her clit then sucking it making Jungsoo mewl. "Mmm" Taeyeon licked her finger and entered it inside of Jungsoo who bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming. She thrusted inside her wet pink hole moving her bony fingers back and forth and the room filled with moaning and screaming. She added another and thrusted faster a harder. "A-aah~ just like that tae~ harder~" Soon the younger came in tae's fingers as she seductively licked them and stood up. Taeyeon stared at Jungsoo's breasts ready to devour. Jungsoo chuckled and slowly unbuttoned her bra teasing Taeyeon who grunted snatching her bra off and cupping her breasts licking her hard nipples.

She laid on the counter so both can get a better access and Taeyeon got on top of Jungsoo. "I'm gonna make you feel so good~" Taeyeon moaned and began rocking her hips back and forth both of their wet clits moving against each other now the two enjoying the pleasure.

With Bogum...

Bogum was making out with his fifth girl until he felt something was missing. He looked over seeing Jungsoo gone. He shrugged thinking she just went to the bathroom or talking to some friends.

You were talking with Jihyo and your arm clinging to the other and Jimin and Yoongi was there also the four dancing. "Hey, have you guys seen tae?" You remember Taeyeon was at the fruit punch but now she's gone. "well i did see her go into the bathroom." Jihyo commented. "Hmm, she must be having sex with Jungsoo because i don't see her with her boyfriend anymore " Yoongi pointed to Bogum and the three laughed.

"A-AHHH! FASTER JUNGSOO! I-I'M CLOSE!" Jungsoo was fingering tae. Her legs started to shake and soon she came on the cold counter. Jungsoo fell on top of tae the two catching their breaths. "That was the best sex ever, i can't believe i lost my virginity!" Jungsoo squealed and tae chuckled. "Let's get our clothes on." Tae said and Jungsoo obeyed the two getting their clothes back on. "can you help me unnie?" Tae turned to Jungsoo who was trying to zip her dress up at the back. Taeyeon walked over to her and zipped it up all the way and Jungsoo let out a small thank you before someone banged on the door. The two panicked hearing the voice. "JUNGSOO! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE WITH THAT TAEYEON SLUT! OPEN UP!" Taeyeon's widened eyes turned to Jungsoo. "I-i don't know what to do..."

Who could be behind that door? Is it, Sooyoung and the others? Jungsoo's parents? Bogum? Find out on the next!

What would you do if you found me laying on the ground?

1) kill me

2) kill me

3) kill me

4) kill me but almost not kill me


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